Perfidy and the Flood (c)
Prof. Eugene Narrett
August 17th, 2006
Labor Zionism is destroying the Jewish people by destroying the state of Israel. The process nears its terminus: the iron gates are in view. If all the aspects of this perennial regime are not expelled, the remnants of Jewish sovereignty will be buried in a “New Middle East” patrolled by blue helmets and thickly punctuated by jihadist assaults. Jews in a semi-autonomous IDF, ruled by NME commanders will continue to bleed for the destruction of the Jewish promise, land, and dream of redemption (cf. psalm 126).
The Israeli wedge for the NME is the Olmert-Peres-Peretz regime and its enforcing affiliate in the self-perpetuating Hellenist Supreme Court. A politicized General Staff, neutered of its Judaism, weaned from victory and conscripted into expelling Jews from their home (a key facet of NME - Global Security State business) is the third leg of this suicidal troika.
Labor Zionism is destroying the Jewish people. This has been going on since they seized the Hagana from Jabotinsky and imposed upon it the suicidal doctrine of havlaga (Jewish “self-restraint” after Arab attacks on Jews). Even a short summary of Labor’s perfidy is beyond the scope of this essay. Merely note that they cooperated with the British in imposing a quota system on Jewish immigration from the late 1920s till the White Paper of 1939; that even then undermined and sabotaged attempts for large scale rescue of Europe’s Jews to Israel. They vilified and sabotaged those who sought to throw out the British and open the shores to Jews; they undermined the liberation of all of Jerusalem in 1948; they sank the Altalena, its state-saving cargo of armaments and self-sacrificing crew of Jewish patriots; they failed to complete the military victories of 1967 and then failed to assert Jewish sovereignty throughout the Promised Land. They despised the desirable land and the Temple Mount. They refused to preempt the Yom Kippur war and then led the nation toward grief and melancholy rather than toward redemption and renewed spirit. Always their main fight was to retain their death grip on the state. Their notorious internecine treacheries, their financial, military, judicial and political scandals all are legion; their affiliations with various global NGO’s and foreign diplomats are chilling. They undermined Begin at Camp David; in May 1981 they leaked and almost destroyed the bombing of Osirak and the 1982 invasion of Lebanon; they saved the PLO for Oslo which fractured Israel into terrorist enclaves now metastasizing into the Road Map and a NATO-protected Islamic state in Judea and Samaria that already promises to shower the coastal plain with rockets.
Labor Zionism is destroying the Jewish people by destroying the State of Israel. Jews all over the world will feel our few decades of pride and relative security melt back into the fear and low profile that had characterized the exile for millennia. Attacks like those in Seattle, and outbursts like that of Mel Gibson, already echoed in Islamic State media from Egypt to Pakistan will increase. Few Jews, perhaps not even those who have turned coat will be truly safe.
A useful measure of the damage done to Israel by its failure to fight and win this war may be understood from the comments in Egypt’s main, government-sponsored daily paper, Al-Ahram. Egyptian Mufti Sheikh Dr. Ali Gum’a expressed support for Hezbollah and fingered Israel as “the Hebrew entity that is the true and hideous face of the blood-suckers… who prepare [Passover] matzos from human blood“(August 07, This is the respect and peace that Israel bought by surrendering the Sinai peninsula and all the other unilateral surrenders from Area A, to southern Lebanon, to Gush Katif, to the most recent obeisance to the “International Community”: they have inflamed the blood libel. They have returned Jews to the status of dhimmis, cringing and defenseless, begging genocidal enemies for peace instead of fighting till victory…
Secularists-materialists treasure their own political power over everything. Such people never own their mistakes; repentance is what they do to those who expose their lies. Thus Labor Zionism excels at blaming others for the failures that inevitably result from their spurning of their heritage. The settlers, the truest Jews there are have been vilified for problems caused by Labor’s havlaga, multi-cultural Arabism, and sinat hinam. And now the finger-pointing and scape-goating of middle echelon military and civil officials begins in response to the Olmert-Peres disaster, the limp and purposely bungled response to Iran’s attack on Israel via Hezbollah. The politically neutered IDF was further hamstrung and the resulting chaotic response to Hezbollah has been noted and already is being commented on by Islamic states and their paramilitary groups. The Chief of Staff gained his position by commanding the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif and thus facilitating and abetting the Hamas war on south Israel and smuggling of rockets to Judea and Samaria, the penultimate death-note of Israel. He certainly will not help ameliorate this chronic and, if not excised, fatal dynamic. Even now he is concerned with protecting his status and blaming others.
As we have noted before, nothing constructive or life-affirming for Jews will arise from the regime of Cossacks that carried out the pogrom at Amona. For decades the malignant Mr. Peres has been working the international connections committed to aborting a Jewish state and burying Judaism and its holy sites beneath a New World Order. Jews will continue to supply cannon-fodder and technological prowess for a global security state committed to erasing their identity and soul-saving way of life. Any one in the Knesset not vigorously demanding the resignation of this government of national defeat and disaster has revealed themselves to be part of the existential wound that must be cauterized this month if Israel is to survive.
Some Jews, especially well-connected ones may think that serving the Global Security State will assure their safety. They would do well to clear the arrogance and self-centeredness from their expectations: all Jews are disposable to this New Secular Order. Hellenist Jews may pride themselves on eating shrimp but even the top few quislings are not essential, not even now: certainly not next year. A master will always find new tools to serve his turn. What is necessary is that they remain tools, — slaves.
As a great teacher wrote, “God will win the war because of the simple people… and not the sophisticated.” When the storm comes, and indeed it is raging, “the ministers will scatter in all directions, leaving the king in great danger.” But the simple settlers will take the King in, blessing him with “the sweetest and most pleasurable experience.” The settler, who is the Moshe of our generation, “will take the king home in his wagon and he will set Him on his throne.”
This is the only way Redemption will come, sooner or later. The simple people, the high holy ones, the Kedoshim will reestablish the throne of the King and His human king in Jerusalem and the entire Land will be settled, inhabited.
The people must go out into the street in great numbers, greater than the August 2005 rallies for Gush Katif and demand strict justice and banishment for those who brought Hamas upon Israel, and gave pride and victory to the Hitler in Iran. An eminently winnable war was made a disgrace, a confession of ineptitude, and an invitation to more attacks which already are being demanded by the jihadists. They see and scent very clearly the servility of the morons, bunglers and quislings that have a chokehold on Israel.
There has never been peace in Lebanon. Since the end of the northern kingdom of ancient Israel it has been a place from which Jews are attacked: Fatah-land, Hamas-land, Hezbollah land. There will be no peace for Israel until southern Lebanon, the territories of Asher and Zebulon are settled and ruled and defended by Jews. The same is true of Gush Katif – Gerar. One does not need the Scriptures to demonstrate this. It has been shown before the eyes of everyone everyday since the Egyptian invasion of 1948…
The same approach applies to Judea and Samaria, the heartland of the Jewish people and their most ancient settlements. If they allow “faithless shepherds” to spurn their birthright the void will be filled by Hamas, foreign soldiers and alien gods. The banner of Israel must be raised in the face of the nations, as it is written.
In the era of terror, the time of the ‘War on Terror’ and the global security state we return to ancient days: “the earth has become corrupt before God, v’atimalei ha’aretz Hamas, and the earth teems with violence.” The flood of Hamas surges over the earth, mal’ah ha’aretz Hamas (Genesis 6:11-13). Again violence is a tool of “the sons of the powers” and the children of Israel are caught between the world’s two dominant forms of lust and violence.
Rabbi Nachman writes that “before the Messiah comes, there will be flood, a flood of immorality and atheism. It will cover all the high mountains even in the Holy Land… it will affect even virtuous hearts.
“There will be no way to combat this with sophistication. All the royal ministers will be scattered, and the entire kingdom will not be firm on its foundation. The only ones who will uphold it will be the simple Jews who recite psalms with sincerity” and who act to see that the betrayers and collaborators of Hamas be swept out of the land they sought to drown in their perfidy and whirlpools of lies.
And then the simple Jews will place the crown on the deliverer’s head. Israel will settle in its place, the Temple will be built, and the nations will know that there is a God in Israel. The Jewish people must begin this work; it is almost too late to stem the flood.
[Inspired by Rabbi Nachman’s parable, “The Flood”]
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Perfidy and the Flood
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