Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mel Gibson/Abe Foxman

Mel Gibson is just following his leaders, lying politicians (Pope John Paul II Was No Saint), who hate the Jews and pretend they don't; who see Jews as obstacles to their control of Jerusalem and the Holy Land of Israel; who utter pretty platitudes while their hearts are full of ugly hate and deceit, plotting in the bloody Vatican to demand the enforcement of UN Resolution 181, coveting the Temple Mount.

Abe Foxman (ADL National Director) is right and wrong and as hypocritical as Mel Gibson; having the chutzpah to criticize again a movie of great interest to Catholics and their misled Protestant daughters, proselytizing in a professing Christian country, something Jews would be up in arms if a Christian leader said something in Israel against Judaism (which they're up in arms whenever Pat Robertson or somebody actually says something true); acts interested in Judaism but doesn't follow it to the Jewish Homeland of Israel, choosing to sinfully remain in a self-imposed exile.