Thursday, August 02, 2007

Exposing the racist NAACP

"Affirmative action" is negative. Why do we continue to permit such institutionalized reverse discrimination/racism to continue?

Racist groups like the NAACP require self-hating and defeatist whites to aid and abet their reverse discrimination, and intimidated whites to dread and fear being called a "racist" for opposing such double standards and exposing such hypocrisy. Some of us say enough is enough and call it like it is: It's past time we break free of the PC shackles intended to keep us constrained that they may run free shod all over us.

Some of us no longer fall for the PC intimidation tactics of hysterically calling realists "racists." Enough is enough. We will not keep silent in the face of such hypocritical hostility, but will expose it and call for an end to discrimination against white people.

The NAACP is a racist organization that doesn't deserve the clout it has been afforded at white people's expense. The racist NAACP also takes its toll on those black individuals who are qualified but held suspect due to previous abuses/"affirmative action" hires. Enough is enough!

Aid for Africa?