Friday, November 09, 2007

Some leftist Jews act worse than Nazis

Women in Green activist Nadia Matar found herself back in court Thursday, with the state appealing its suit against her for a strongly-worded letter sent to Disengagement Authority chief Yonatan Bassi.

Prior to the 2005 Disengagement, Matar dispatched a letter to Bassi, a member of the religious Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, comparing the wording of the letter he sent to residents of Gush Katif to that sent by the Judenrat (“Jewish Council”) in 1942 Germany, which oversaw the “relocation” of Jews from Germany.

Matar’s trial revolves around the passage in her letter: “Yonatan. The truth is that you are a modern-day version of the Judenrat - in reality, a much worse version, because in the Holocaust, the Jewish leaders were forced to act by the Nazis and today it's very hard for us to judge them. Today, no one is standing with a gun to your head and forcing you to participate in the deportation of the Jews of Gush Katif and northern Samaria."

Nadia Matar Back in Court for "Judenrat" Letter