by Barry Chamish
The papal visit to Israel was a bust. Pres. Shimon Peres did not manage to wangle Vatican sovereignty over Jewish land. But the game never stops. Now using King Juan Carlos, the Vatican's official Custodian Of Jerusalem's Holy Places, a new game has been set in place. Obama was ordered to accept the initiative, but he has no personal objections either:
Q Mr. President, what's your message, sir, here?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: This is my first visit to Saudi Arabia, but I've had several conversations with His Majesty. And I've been struck by his wisdom and his graciousness. Obviously the United States and Saudi Arabia have a long history of friendship, we have a strategic relationship. And as I take this trip and we'll be visiting Cairo tomorrow, I thought it was very important to come to the place where Islam began and to seek His Majesty's counsel and to discuss with him many of the issues that we confront here in the Middle East.
The day King Abdullah meets Obama... KJC sends 2 messages to King Abdullah.
Saudi Arabia: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Receives Two Messages From Spanish King, President of the Spanish Government
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud received today two messages from Spanish King Juan Carlos and President of the Spanish Government Jose Luis Zapatero.
The government of Rodriguez Zapatero wants to leave as a legacy of his presidency of the EU a strong foundation on which to lay the foundations of a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority and, ultimately, the creation of a new state and the first step towards achieving that end will be a summit that the President will have with leaders of Arab countries involved in the peace process to be held next autumn in Cairo.
Anyone interested in preserving Israel must watch every Vatican move. Their policy is the removal of Jews from their, Catholic, holy land. The one author who teaches this lesson better than anyone else is former British Intelligence officer, Avro Manhattan. His book, The Vatican's Holocaust, tells the gruesome tale of the Catholic takeover of Croatia in 1941, leading to the church today. It shows that the Vatican never gives up on its goal. It ignited a war against the Serbs in 1991 and got its independent Catholic Croatia back with the ghastly help of US and NATO troops.
And what country was the first to recognize the new Croatia? None other than Germany, home to the Wermacht volunteer pope, Benediction the 16th, who has been fighting all year to have his Holocaust pope, Pius XII turned into a saint.
But look who also supported Croatia. I wrote this at the time of the war against the Serbs:
Shall we recall that against all sentiments in the country, the Israeli government supported Croatia over the Serbs? It even sent Yossi Sarid to Sarajevo to assess the scene. He ran home crying when he found out that he could get hurt there.
I have an amazing arrangement with the publisher of THE VATICAN'S HOLOCAUST. My readers can get the book for free. Details follow the author's words, which speak for themselves. See you after the critique:
vii - During the existence of Croatia as an independent Catholic state, over 700,000 men, women and children perished. It's as if one third of the American people were exterminated by a Catholic militia. They were executed, tortured, died of starvation or were burned to death. Catholic padres ran the concentration camps and Catholic priests were officers of the military corps which committed such atrocities.
22- The objective of the systematic crimes of murder, torture, pillage and wholesale massacre was nothing less than the total extermination of all non-Catholic elements in the new state.
35 - When the Nazis left Croatia, the Ustashi multiplied their atrocities based on the total elimination of the Orthodox Serbian population via forcible conversions, expulsion and straightforward massacres...To solve the problem, a policy directed at the swift elimination of the non-Catholic population was adopted and promptly set in motion.
38 - The "Pit Of Death" was reserved for those Serbs who challenged their convertors. The camp, run by the Franciscan Monk, Father Filipovic, equalled in horrors the Dachau Concentration Camp...The Ustashi ordered them to dig their own graves. This done, their hands were tied behind their backs and they were all pushed alive into their graves...There was a decision to cremate people alive by pushing them alive into the fire already alight there.
45 - Italian soldiers took pictures of the Ustashi wearing two "necklaces." One was a string of cut-out eyes, the other of torn tongues of murdered Serbs...Bets were made as to who could liquidate the largest number of inmates. Franciscan Peter Brzica cut the throats of 1360 prisoners with a butcher's knife. He was elected King of the Cut-throats.
62 - The massacres were often carried out by Catholic priests claiming to be followers of Christ and representatives of a Church trumpeting to the four winds that she preached universal love.
87 - Father Srecko Peric advocated mass murder with the following words: "Kill all Serbs. First of all, kill my sister who is married to a Serb and then all Serbs. When you finish come back to the church and I will confess you and free you from sin."
33 - The Ministry of the Interior issued the following decree: "All Jews and Serbs residing in Zagreb must leave the town within 12 hours. Any citizen found to have given the shelter will be immediately executed on the spot.
57 - The Catholic Press was especially skilful in sowing the seeds or religious hatred towards and Serbs, racial hatred towards the Jews, and hatred for Yugoslavia.
88 - At least 850,000 citizens of Yugoslavia, including, 30,000 Jews perished.
52 - To mention only two: Luke Avramovitch, former Member of Parliament, and his son, were both crucified and then burnt in their own home in Mliniste.
31 - Pope Pius XII solemnly blessed the whole Ustashi delegation. ..They were, above all, the representatives of the newly born Independent Catholic State of Croatia, a political creature ruthlessly promoted by that most malign of all its conceivers, the Vatican.
95 - The Vatican was well informed of what was going on inside Ustashi Croatia. Not only because the Catholic Hierarchy sent the Pope regular reports, but because the Pope had his own personal representative there, Mgr. Marcone. In fact, he was the spokesman not only of the Croatian Hierarchy but equally of Pope Pius XII...He knew of the atrocities and horrors taking place. He was aware of the wholehearted participation of the clergy in the wholesale massacre of thousands of Orthodox Serbs. All these things he faithfully reported to Pope Pius XII.
119 - Pope Pius XII, therefore, let the horror in sealed Croatia takes its course to the very end.
128 - After Archbishop Stepinac received 16 years imprisonment, Pope Pius XII ordered the excommunication of all those who had taken part in the trial. All received a solemn Catholic guarantee of eternal damnation in genuine Catholic brimstone and inextinguishable internal fire.
63 - The official policy of the Catholic Church had promoted the horrors which soaked the historical land of Croatia into a sea of blood.
88 - Indeed, it was the premeditated policy of the Catholic Hierarchy acting on behalf of its true inspirer, the Vatican...For the mass murderers carried out by individuals appareled in clerical garb truly were instigated from the archiepiscopal palaces of the Catholic Hierarchy...Not a single member of their clergy was ever called to account by them. Not a single priest was ever punished, suspended or unfrocked by - They are the most damning proof that the Catholic Church, notwithstanding all her alleged liberalization, fraternization and up-to-dateness, basically, has not changed an iota.
RECALL last message: One of the members of this list is sending me 60 copies of a very valuable book, The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan.
It tells the horrifying story of the worst religious holocaust of the 20th century. I asked him to send me a copy before I went to bat for it. I was astounded. 237 pages, filled with rare photos. And...It's yours for free. The only cost will be postage, envelopes, gas to the post office, say $6 in the States. Overseas the postage will be higher ($10.30) but the book itself is free.Send me your mailing address and I'll get it to you plus the DVDs. ALL sixty were gone in three days.
PS I'll add my two Vatican DVDs, one recorded in Jerusalem, the other in Atlanta if you ask, a bit more money BUT without profit.
Don't let this pass you by. I repeat, a great, educational FREE BOOK. Just for you. Barry
I offer a pay as you can news service that my subscribers love. I receive hidden but very real news almost no one else is reporting. The sources are worldwide, and usually accurate. Then I send the best to you. Let me know if you can take as many as 10 e-mails a week in your in box. Then pay me fairly as you can. Honest, it's worth it. write me at to join. Three more happy subscribers since last week.
Chapter 1 of the new audio book format of The conPromised Land is up on your website. It's on the top of this link:
If you liked this teaser:
THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher
If you have ordering problems or just want the book signed, write me at
Finally, I'll be attending the grand wedding of my friend Rabbi Jonathan. I'll be in northern New Jersey June 25-27 and then two days in Baltimore. Write if you'd like to meet.
You can read the entire book online - The Vatican's Holocaust - provided by
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Tuesday, June 09, 2009
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