Arab Riots on the Temple Mount
by Hana Levi Julian
( Two police officers and two Muslims were injured Sunday morning when Arab riots erupted on the Temple Mount. The area was immediately shut down, although the Western Wall plaza remained open to Jewish worshippers. One police officer lost his temper and cursed the Jews.
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Eight suspects were arrested in eastern Jerusalem following the incident, according to Israel Police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld, who said that scattered disturbances were continuing around the area, primarily near the gates to the Old City and in Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem. A security presence has been beefed up in the area, he added.
The riots began after Jewish worshippers arrived to begin preparations for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, which begins Sunday at sundown. Arabs who worship at the mosque on the site started hurling rocks at approximately 7:30 a.m. as a group of 100 Israeli Jews attempted to enter the Temple Mount. It's all because of you religious Jews!
A mob of some 150 Muslim worshippers surrounded the Jews, according to Rosenfeld, who told Israel National News that officers on the scene fired stun grenades at the rioters, and were able to bring the riot to a halt. A dialogue was opened with Muslim Waqf officials in an attempt to calm the situation, but ultimately riot control procedures were required.
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Jews Must Demand Rights to Temple Mount
During a 1995 Root and Branch lecture in Jerusalem, Professor Nahum Rakover, author and then Deputy Attorney General of Israel, publicly agreed with me that it isn't illegal for Christians or Jews to pray upon the Temple Mount, even though it is forcibly prevented by the police.
A House of Prayer For All Peoples?
Jewish guards prevent Christians and Jews from exercising their religious right to pray on the Temple Mount? That's right! Only Muslims have unlimited access to Judaism's most holy site. Only the Koran is permitted within. The Tanach (Jewish Scripture, known to much of the world as the "Old Testament") and Christian Scriptures (the New Testament) are forbidden. Yet Israel claims to respect the religious rights of all people.
The Issue of the Temple Mount
The common knowledge of our time is that the vast majority of Rabbis of this generation have prohibited the Jewish people from entering the Temple Mount (Har HaBayit), the holiest site in Judaism. The Temple Mount is the site of where the Beit HaMikdash (the Jewish Temple) once stood and the place where the Moslems have erected one mosque, the al-Aqsa and a site of pilgrimage, the Dome of the Rock.
Restore Israeli Sovereignty Over Temple Mount
The Wakf, the militant Muslim authority that oversees Jerusalem's Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site and Islam's alleged third holiest site (following Mecca and Medina) continue to show blatant disregard for Jewish, Christian and biblical history and non-Muslim sensitivities.
G-d Doesn't Listen to Jewish Prayers at the Western Wall
Gershon Salomon warned Israel and its leadership that as long as the shameful situation on the Temple Mount continues, and as long as they do not obey the call of G-d, peace will not come to the land. The enemies of Israel will continue to desire her land and will pressure those in power to divide it. Obedience to the call of G-d will bring peace, all of Israel's enemies will be removed and no one will wish to divide or desire the land
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Nazi Muslim disturbances on Temple Mount
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