Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jews are a stubborn lot

Jews are a stubborn lot

Several years ago, I was praying to our Great Creator God, the God of the Bible, the God of Israel, about our Hebrew roots (the Israelite origins of the West that I'm convinced about as we bear the many biblical birthmarks of fulfilled prophecy concerning the "Lost Ten Tribes"), wondering what specific Israelite tribe I'm from primarily - whether Joseph or Judah (since my ancestry is primarily Celtic and Anglo-Saxon with descent from British and Scottish Royal Families).

Shortly thereafter, I received this letter from my Great Aunt Neva Ort (from my father's side of the family) who had just finished reading Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall --

I got your book and read it. You surely put a lot of work into it! ... I didn't realize you were a Herbert Armstrong follower... I hope your message gets across to the Jews. I was thinking about you this A.M. before I got up. You would make a good Jew. We had a lot of Jewish M.D. One when I was in nursing - Chief of Staff. One pediatrician at Leila - my floor. One neurosurgeon when I was at Blodgett. A whole slew of them when I was in the army. They are a stubborn lot and I think you just might be stubborn enough to be one. Ha! I hope you have a sense of humor!
Good luck with your book. I will pray for the Jews. I'm taking it in for the pastor to read. I think he will enjoy it.

I love you,
Aunt Neva

Beyond Babylon

David Ben-Ariel

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