Monday, February 18, 2008

Why is Israel afraid of Hizbullah?

Why is Israel afraid of Hizbullah?

by Gary Cooperberg
February 17, 2008

Last week Hizbullah commander Imad Mugniyah was assassinated. It is very likely that the Mossad was responsible. The Israeli government has not only denied involvement, it has issued warnings to Jews worldwide to expect terrorist retaliation.

Rather than hide under the bed, one would have expected the Israeli government to have used this opportunity to instill fear upon our enemies rather than upon Jews. Whether or not the Mossad actually implemented this heroic feat, they should have accepted responsibility. Not only that, they should have declared that all enemies of the Jewish People are targets and will be taken out if they continue to rant against Israel. Rather than televise Nasrallah's venomous threats on Israeli television, government spokesmen should have announced that Nasrallah is next on the list of those to be assassinated.

Rather than listen to the calls for war by our terrorist enemies, Israel should mount a vigorous offensive against the terrorist organizations, destroying them in a ruthless campaign. We have the ability to terrorize and destroy our enemies. Instead we permit and even help them to terrorize us!

The very concept of an Arab Palestinian is a negation of the legitimacy of Israel. For our government to recognize such an entity is to aid and abet our enemies and to lend a hand in our self destruction! How dare any Jew suggest helping those who seek to destroy us! But for a Prime Minister, a President and nearly all of our Knesset to do so surpasses all limits of lunacy, cowardice and treason!

The Israel Defense Forces have never entered into a war to win. They deliberately limit their efforts to defend the country. Such a policy is nothing less than madness. Our enemies make war and we make peace. This may sound nice but it is an unworkable equation. We have placed ourselves in a situation in which we can never win and thus never achieve peace. Were we to truly win a war we could dictate terms of peace. Were we to lose a war we would perish. We have chosen a path to neither win nor lose. The result is that we are losing slowly. We are participating in our own self destruction and calling it a peace process!

The problem is not the Arab terrorists. The problem is the loser syndrome embedded in the minds of our misleaders. We worry more about our enemies' rights than those of our own civilian population. Rockets are murdering our civilians and our Supreme Court disapproves of cutting electricity to Gaza. We should not cut electricity to Gaza. . . we should carpet bomb Gaza. Isn't that why Sharon took the Jews out of there?

It is time for the Jewish government to stop acting like an impartial mediator. It is not our job to protect our enemies. It is our job to protect the Jewish State without regard for the safety of our enemies.
Lying Visions of Peace
Shimon Peres Has No Clothes: Where's the Peace?
Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor
Don't Expel Jews From Gaza!
A Jewish Homeland
Israel's Only Way Out: Follow Kahane!