Friday, June 27, 2008

Chuck Baldwin for President of the USA!

Voters Ready For Baldwin

By mary | Monday, June 9th

Voters Ready For Baldwin
June 9, 2008
Sixty-seven percent (67%) of voters say the federal government is now a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests*
An unprecedented number of Americans have concluded that the two major parties have morphed into one entity which exists to advance what is essentailly the same [...]

Baldwin: Antidote To Voter Discontent

By mary | Friday, May 30th

A Zogby poll shows 42% said McCain “will never” get their support.

Fox Elections Poll Results

By Sarah | Tuesday, May 27th

Would you ever vote for a third-party presidential candidate? Fox poll results!

Baldwin On Supreme Court Gun Ruling

Thursday, June 26th

Supreme Court Shoots Straight On 2nd Amendment
Presidential Candidate Challenges Americans To Continue Pro-Gun Momentum By Rejecting Anti- Gun Obama & McCain
Grand Rapids, MI (June 26, [...]

Baldwin Answers “Why Base Campaign In Michigan?”

Wednesday, June 25th

Baldwin/Castle Campaign Launch Coverage

Wednesday, June 25th

The Grand Rapids Press Home
Byron Center resident Dan Curtis works on cutting signs at the Constitution Party national headquarters on South Division Avenue in Kentwood. The party is backing Chuck Baldwin for president.Of all the places to mount a campaign for president, Chuck Baldwin and the Constitution Party chose a former video [...]