Sunday, June 22, 2008

Germany instigates chaos in Kosovo

Newsletter 2008/06/19 - Pure Chaos
PRISTINA/BELGRADE/BERLIN (Own report) - After massive pressure from Berlin the UN Security Council will discuss the reconstruction of the UN administration in Kosovo on Friday 20 June. Some days ago the UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon gave way to Western pressure and agreed to the illegal step of the deployment of EULEX, the EU "Police and Justice Mission in Kosovo". EULEX will enable the secessionist regime in Pristina to build up the authorities of an independent state on Serbian territory. With its decision in favour of EULEX the United Nations leadership has adopted further Western positions which are contrary to international law. Leading UN officials hope to avoid their total marginalization by ever-new compromises. In spite of the UN's increasing subjection, Berlin and Washington continue to discuss concepts which, if realized, will reduce the UN to a fate similar to that of the League of Nations in the Nineteen Thirties - total loss of significance. The results of the controversy will bear hardest on the population of southern Serbia. Commentators describe the confusion over the remaining competences of lawful authorities in the face of illegally installed institutions, enforced by the occupiers, as chaos itself.