Friday, June 06, 2008

German pressure on Ireland

Newsletter 2008/06/03 - The End of Neutrality
DUBLIN/BERLIN (Own report) - By using pressure and heavy threats, Berlin is seeking to prevent a "No" to the EU treaty in Ireland's referendum on June 12. The EU Parliament's President Hans-Gert Poettering (CDU) is demanding that "politicians of all sides" in Dublin explain the advantages of the EU to the population. Elmar Brok (CDU), a member of the European Parliament, declared that a "debate on Ireland's withdrawal" from the EU should not be excluded, if the treaty is rejected. According to opinion polls, the approval sought by Berlin, is in danger and therefore also the EU treaty's coming into force, which would permit the smooth appointment of a European foreign minister and the corresponding European foreign service, along with preparations for establishing a European army. These objectives are very important to the German government, as Foreign Minister Steinmeier recently confirmed. Fearing to be drawn into Europe's future wars, many Irish are insisting on their country's neutrality. They are rejecting the "EU treaty", because it would accelerate the EU foreign policy's further standardization and militarization. Giving in to pressure from Berlin, the Irish government is campaigning against a significant portion of its own population, and therefore drawing criticism.