Sunday, January 21, 2007

Public Broadcaster Censors Efrat Commercial

Public Broadcaster Censors Efrat Commercial
17:49 Jan 21, '07 / 2 Shevat 5767
by Hillel Fendel

Gabi Gazit, the most complained-about broadcaster on Israel public radio, interrupted and cut off a commercial for the Efrat right-to-life organization because he did not agree with its message.

As can be heard here (in Hebrew), Reshet Bet (Channel Two) of Voice of Israel state-run radio was in the midst of a commercial for Efrat when Gazit abruptly cut if off, explaining that such messages should not be broadcast.

The commercial featured a woman's voice saying, "An abortion is not a game. Many women who had abortions later regretted it. Before you decide, visit the internet site of the Efrat organization --" Suddenly, a click was heard and Gazit's voice was heard saying, "An abortion is not a game, and abortions - abortion matters are not broadcast in commercial breaks, that's what I think. With all due respect to the Efrat organization, not in this way."

Efrat reported that many people called to protest Gazit's decision to take the public airwaves into his own hands.

Gazit has often been criticized for his brusqueness and overbearing manner, cutting off and talking rudely to those with whom he does not agree, and heavy-handedly foisting his opinions on the listenership. Though such behavior might be acceptable on commercial radio, his detractors say, it cannot be tolerated on public radio supported solely by taxpayers' money.

Efrat Chairman Dr. Eli Shussheim told Arutz-7's Uzi Baruch, "The commercial is aimed to inform women about abortions. We feel that many women have abortions without understanding the severity of the matter and its ramifications. We don't tell her what to do, but rather inform her about it."

Shussheim said that the organization paid much money for the commercial to air, and that it has submitted a protest to Israel Broadcasting Authority Chairman Moti Shklar. Efrat will consult with its legal advisors as to what legal steps it will take, including against Gazit.

"Our research shows that 97% of women who have a planned abortion regret it later, and are left with emotional scars," Shussheim said. "All we want is that women who are considering having an abortion come into our site and receive the necessary information."

Nili Ben-Gigi Wolfe, the Director of the Israel Media Watch media watchdog organization, told Arutz-7 today, "What happened today is only another proof that Gabi Gazit is not worthy of holding a public microphone... Gazit holds the record for being the subject of the most complaints to the Israel Broadcast Authority for all times, and IBA Public Complaints Commissioner Amos Goren has called, time after time, for a fundamental review of his program."

Goren receives complaints at "".

"It happens to be," Wolfe continued, "that precisely tomorrow, the State is to give its reponse to a Supreme Court suit that we filed regarding Gabi Gazit, in which we demanded to know why the IBA renewed his contract, though he is the subject of so many complaints and is a serial violator of the IBA's Nakdi document of journalistic ethics. We hope that today's incident, and all those before it, will bring the IBA to the right decision."

Efrat provides women who are considering abortion for economic reasons with a choice of financial assistance, including:
* a month’s worth of groceries delivered to the door over a 12-month period. 1,200 families are presently receiving a monthly Efrat food package.
* a monthly delivery of baby formula, disposable diapers, baby wipes and baby food.
* the Yad Chava Baby Fund – which delivers a brand-new crib, stroller, and baby bath directly to the new mother’s home.
* the EFRAT Layette – which includes sheets, a baby blanket, clothing, bibs, bottles, pacifiers and even a tiny comb and brush set.

Abortion: Blood of Innocents (Jeremiah 7:31)

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