Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is there a Future for the USA?

A Voice from Hebron by Gary M. Cooperberg
P.O. Box 1444, Kiryat Arba-Hebron, Israel 90100
Tel. 972-2-996-3761 Fax 972-2-996-1778
Email: gary@projectshofar.org - Website: http://www.projectshofar.org

Is there a Future for the USA?
May 27, 2008

George W. Was the first President of the United States. Could it be that George W. will also be the last President of the United States? Everyone is trying to figure out whether Hillary, Obama, or McCain will be the next President. But is anyone considering the possibility that the experiment called the United States of America may have come to an end?

All true Bible believers know that this world has a Creator. They also know that the Creator had a “friend” called Abraham. He Promised His friend, Abraham, that his descendants, through Isaac and Jacob, will inherit all of the Land of Israel (Canaan), and will bring knowledge of the Creator to all of the Peoples of the World. It will be through the Jewish People that all Peoples of the World will be blessed.

The beginning of return of Jewish Sovereignty to the Land of Israel has defied all odds and stands as irrefutable proof that our Creator is beginning to fulfill His Promise to our Father, Abraham. Biblical Redemption is beginning to unfold, yet most choose to ignore it. Incredible technological advances have caused the majority of us to forget our Creator. We think that we can create everything ourselves now. Wealth and power have gone to our heads and led us to believe that we can dictate a new morality and a more efficient, modern way of life. In some ways conditions similar to these are what led to the Tower of Babel.

President Bush claims to be a Bible believer. Yet he has designed a “roadmap” which defies Biblical destiny. He claims that he wants to make peace in the Middle East, but the reality is that he simply needs to curry favor with Arab oil interests. He doesn’t really want to hurt Israel, but he thinks that he can appease the powerful Arab financial moguls by getting Israel to agree to “modest” compromises.

Ehud Olmert is currently under investigation for charges of bribery and other criminal activities. He is desperate to save his neck, and willing to sacrifice his own country to do so. Not only is he trying to meet Bush’s deadline to make peace with the PLO, he is also trying to make peace with Syria by agreeing to give away the Golan Heights! Syria has never been willing to speak to Israel unless she first agrees to give her all of the Golan Heights. Clearly this demand has already been accepted by Olmert. And they are talking!

Aside from Olmert’s dangerous maneuvering, nearly all of our leaders agree to the concept of negotiating peace with our enemies by giving away Jewish Land. It defies rationality how anyone at this late date could imagine that even were we to give away the entire Golan, all of Judea and Samaria, and half of Jerusalem that peace would descend upon us like the dew from heaven. Look at how much peace we got by giving away Gaza! Our military leaders are worried that Ashkelon, Ashdod and Beersheva may soon be within range of the rockets being launched against us from Gaza. They are spending fortunes to build defensive missiles to protect us from this threat. They could save enormous sums of money and countless lives were they to decide to simply remove our enemies from Gaza and repopulate it with Jews. But this thought defies their preconceived notion of making peace by giving away Jewish Land.

World leaders and even Jewish leaders seem to have lost their minds. Israel is a very tiny country. Why would the greatest and most powerful nations of the world even care what goes on here? Yet they all seem to think that world peace can only be gained by weakening this tiny country. Even Jewish leaders seem to agree to this absurd notion. Despite the beautiful words and concepts espoused by world leaders who seem to want to force the lion to graze with the lamb, those words are words of deceit, and the “peaceful” lion is just waiting for dinner.

Indeed, the nations are already gathering against tiny Israel. . . an act which in and of itself is ridiculous. But this too is clearly part of Biblical Destiny. The reality is that the great nations of the world are trying to prove, as did Hitler before them, that there is no G-d. They want to usurp that role and rule the world. In order to do so they must first prove that there is no G-d. And the only way to do this is to destroy His Chosen People, Israel. Hitler tried and failed. The next effort will be the very last. It will result in the destruction of those nations who dare attack Israel. This will truly be a war to end all wars and will eventually see Israel as the leader of all nations and true peace reign throughout the world.

Gary M. Cooperberg will be on a speaking tour in the states between June 29 and July 9. At present he has scheduled visits in Texas and Florida. He would like to spend the 4th of July weekend in a Jewish community where he would be able to speak at several locations between Friday and Sunday. He is willing to go just about anywhere in the states where he is invited. Should you be in a position to invite him to your neighborhood, drop him a line at gary@projectshofar.org. Time is running out so don’t wait until he is already booked.

Project Shofar is dedicated to spreading these truths wherever it is possible to do so. It is sounding the alarm, to Jew and Gentile alike, to open our eyes to the G-dly process that is presently underway, and work to support it. We dare not stand idly on the sidelines.