Jesus GAVE His Life To Give Us LIFE!
I've been active on Pravda, the Russian forum that is filled with demonic anti-Semites and anti-Zionists, as well as on LibertyForum and elsewhere (as I'm an e-vangelist covering the vast internet fields and forum villages) and it helps me to realize how Christ has His Work cut out for Him when He returns to clean up this political and spiritual mess we've made of God's good Earth!
The Worldwide Church of God (when Herbert W. Armstrong was the pastor general) used to teach that the reason Gog and Magog would go against Jerusalem and fight against Christ's return, is because they're atheistic communists.
Now, I see and better understand it's also because they're Orthodox Catholics, violently opposed to the biblical Jesus Christ and Christianity, thoroughly indoctrinated by Satan in their hatred of Jews and anything remotely "Jewish" - biblical - just like too many Roman Catholics and Protestants!
They'll fight to the death to defend their traditional error, and even when Christ returns and reigns, and they'll then know better, they'll still fight against God rather than admit error, because they hate the truth and Jews that much!
Christ will have to knock heads and nations, and even destroy some men and nations, truly ruling with a rod of iron, forcing proud and stubborn folks to keep the "Jewish" festivals in the "Jewish" city of Jerusalem, and pray and learn about Jacob's God -- not Esau or Ishmael's god -- at the "Jewish" Temple.
"A man (or nation) convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still." Some men and nations would rather die than repent. That's how serious the bitter poison of anti-Semitism is, because their brutal hatred blinds them to the fact that Jesus is a Jew, salvation is of the Jews, the converted Jews will lead in the world tomorrow, instructing the other tribes about Torah (Zechariah 8:23), having the advantage of God's Word coupled with the Holy Spirit (the Jews repent and welcome Messiah to Jerusalem and anticipate His arrival, heralded by the Two Witnesses who'll announce the coming of Israel's King -- Matthew 23:39).
The passionate anti-Semites/anti-Zionists would do well to note Jesus' words of life and forgiveness: "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, for they know not what they do...". Who are puny men to continue a blood libel against every Jew for the actions of a relative few who were fulfilling prophecy so we could have a Savior?
Luke 24:25-26
"O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?"
God cannot be killed. Yeshua (Jesus' name in Hebrew) was the Son of MAN, huMAN, but born again by a resurrection from the dead, and restored to the divine glory He shared with God as the I AM before He divested Himself of His divinity to become a huMAN and live among His own flesh and blood people, the Jews (John 1:14, John 8:58, John 17:5).
Jesus GAVE His life and purposely chose not to call for divine deliverance, angelic help and spiritual reinforcements (Matthew 26:52-56), so He could die - as prophesied - for the Jew first, then the Gentile.
Mark 10:45
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
John 10:15
As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.
John 10:17
"Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. 18 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father."
As far as the betrayal of Yeshua, it was by His own people - the Jews - but Jesus' crucifixion was by the Gentiles, even as all mankind, Jews, Israelites and Gentiles, are sinners and in need of repentance. Like the Jew, King David, prophesied of the guilt of all mankind, individuals, political and religious leaders:
Acts 4:25-27
‘ Why did the nations rage,
And the people plot vain things?
26 The kings of the earth took their stand,
And the rulers were gathered together
Against the LORD and against His Christ.’
27 “For truly against Your holy Servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, were gathered together.
The crucified and now RESURRECTED Christ, spoke to those who cried out for His crucifixion and said to let His blood to be upon them, that they were fulfilling prophecy, saying neither they nor their leaders truly understood the great significance of what was happening, and which is why Jesus refused help from men or God, and said it had all now served it's DIVINE PURPOSE, according to PLAN -- the Passover Lamb of God was slain and resurrected (Acts 2:22-24) -- and that now it was necessary to repent and be saved and have CHRIST'S BLOOD UPON THEM - to COVER THEIR SINS!
Some of those very people, some of those who were in that crowd stirred up by the religious leaders to cry out for Jesus' death, were now being offered life, and some of them repented and were baptized and CHRIST'S BLOOD WAS UPON THEM FOR LIFE, saving them from eternal death (Acts 2:36-41).
Jesus, through Peter, had compassion and forgiveness for His accusers, for those who were accomplices to His murder! (Acts 3:13-21). How moving. Like Joseph, "resurrected" from the otherwise sure death in the pit, RECEIVED AND FORGAVE HIS BRETHREN! Joseph's sell out and betrayal by his insanely jealous brethren, all worked out in the end. It was all part of the plan. God knows what He's doing. Jesus will soon return to His own in Jerusalem and be welcomed with outstretched arms. The Two Witnesses will have prepared Judah to receive their King - the King of the Jews!
JESUS IS ALIVE! The founder and leader of Christianity has not been stopped or forever silenced: HE IS RISEN! (The Sabbath-keeping Church of God celebrates this glorious fact with Passover commemorating His death and the Days of Unleavened Bread revealing His resurrection, just like the early commandment-keeping Church of God). So the anti-Semites need to accept and reflect Jesus' forgiveness for His own people, and quit using Him as an excuse to murderously hate Jews whether they're "White supremacists" or Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant!
Additional reading:
Synagogue of Satan?
Did Jesus Call Jews the Children of the Devil?
The Pharisees
Why the Jews are Judah
Khazars by Yair Davidiy of Brit-Am Israel
A Jewish Homeland
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Pravda and the Jews
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