Thursday, May 22, 2008

Israpundit articles

Hezbollah is free to prepare for war

Kingdom, US sign nuke energy pact

To J Street and Obama, "if the shoe fits, wear it."

Bush Rejects 'Negotiating With Killers' - Except Fatah

$3 billion canal between the Red and Dead Seas ready to go

Algae is the source for alternative energy

Bush in Saudi Arabia for Nuclear Deal

Talking to Iran and Syria will achieve nothing but humiliation.

What's behind the "appeasement" kefluffel?

Iran in American gun sights.

Proselytizing is no small matter

Keep the Immigrants, Deport the Multiculturalists

Throwing stones at John Hagee

President Bush Addresses Members of the Knesset and Obama is 'outraged'? C'mon.

It’s Time to Reconsider a Federal Arrangement

ZOA: Israel must respond aggressively to the rocket attacks.

Michelle Obama's Militant Racism Revealed

Obama: it IS About Race (and Gender, and Religion)

Ted Belman
+1 416 256 7597