Monday, December 01, 2008

Benjamin Netanyahu on the Temple Mount

Benjamin Netanyahu on the Temple Mount

CFR Benjamin Netanyahu before he became prime minister:

"The right of the Jewish people to its holy place - the Temple Mount - cannot be questioned...I believe it is necessary to arrange for Jewish prayer on the site, especially given that we permit freedom of worship to all the religions in Jerusalem...". And his office charged Palestinian officials with "disparaging Jewish holy sites and threatening potential worshippers" (in flagrant violation of Israel's 1967 Law for the Protection of the Holy Places and the Oslo Accords). His deputy director of communications, Michael Freund, responded to the PA mufti's declaration of war (that Jews "...must absolutely forget about having any rights over the Temple Mount...the Western Wall is just a fence belonging to a Muslim holy site") by saying "these statements are repugnant and they betray a contempt for Judaism's most sacred sites and beliefs. They are an affront to history and insulting to Jews everywhere."

After CFR Benjamin Netanyahu became prime minister he failed to put his promises into practice and permitted the Nazi-Muslims to continue to trample the principles he so eloquently spoke about. Never forget!

The woeful neglect of bribed Israeli politicians and bankrupt Jewish religious leaders stinks to High Heaven and demands an accounting. Watch for the German-EU offer to pick up the tab with strings attached.

Europe to Take Out Iran For Jerusalem

Paint Israel Black: Jews to Lose Jerusalem!

Woe to Ariel! (Jerusalem to Suffer EU Occupation)

Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem

Jews Must Demand Rights to Temple Mount

Restore Israeli Sovereignty Over Temple Mount

Dangerous Ideas?