Monday, March 23, 2009

Edmond isn't Jerusalem!

A multimillion-dollar house for God in Edmond?
Re: Gerald Flurry's Royal Vision March – April 2009
What a crying shame that Gerald Flurry digs himself in deeper, condemning himself before both God and man, taking some biblical truths and polluting and adulterating them with his idolatrous ideas! The House of God is to be built in JERUSALEM - not Edmond, Oklahama! Gerald Flurry pontificates:

...we are building another house for God. Today it will be the ultimate message to the Laodiceans and this world. The Head of this Church, the one who gave the key of David vision, is going to have a house and live on this campus in spirit!
THAT HOUSE WILL ILLUSTRATE THAT GOD IS ALIVE ON THIS CAMPUS AND IN GOD’S VERY ELECT. That house will be the greatest sign of hope on Earth! That hope is embodied in the key of David vision, which will be the dominant vision emanating from that auditorium.
How can an exorbitantly expensive music hall in Edmond, Oklahoma - on the campus of a cult that gives a bad name to what's left of their religion that's biblical - even remotely be considered "the greatest sign of hope on Earth"? How bizarre! I'm all for the Third Temple that will soon be built where it belongs - in JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - and yet I wouldn't have the chutzpah to declare it's the greatest sign of hope on Earth!
And for Gerald Flurry to blather his diamond in the dust (since the United States will soon suffer national destruction, defeat and deportation) will illustrate God is alive on their campus and in their cult is blasphemous! It paints a very ugly picture of how Satan is twisting Gerald Flurry around his little finger, sifting him like wheat, mocking spiritual and prophetic principles that will be fulfilled in God's good time. Those who aren't brainwashed by Gerald Flurry and his sycophant ministers know Jesus Christ said, "you shall know them by their fruits" - the spiritual fruits of the Holy Spirit - especially divine love for one another, not by their physical backyard projects!

You don't need any "special revelation" to read and believe the Bible that clearly shows God's House on Earth has always been in Jerusalem - not elsewhere like Mormons and others mislead.

Gerald Flurry foolishly attempts to spiritualize everything away when it comes to the holy temple of God that will be built in Jerusalem. The least he could do is encourage the Jews to fulfill their responsibility to build God's House - the Embassy of the Eternal - in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount and stop equating Edmond with Jerusalem!

As for the Stone of Scone, the Stone of Destiny, and the possibility of King David's descendants, British Royal Family members, accompanying God's Church members accounted worthy to escape to wherever God has predetermined to protect us, Beyond Babylon has said that for years! See "God Save the Sons of Princess Diana!" It's been said Gerald Flurry plagiarized much of Malachi's Message, and now he appears to be stealing sections from Beyond Babylon and claiming it as his revelation!
It's great that the Philadelphia Church of God is at least participating in archaeological digs in Jerusalem, as I've encouraged them (and the other Church of God groups) to get involved in Israel, as documented in The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah and Stephen Flurry's response to Judean Voice ad - but that should knock in the head any of his foolish notions about Edmond being some new Jerusalem! What does he want to do? Build his "house of God" and proclaim himself "God" in it? He already claims to be "that Prophet" that those not under his evil influence know refers to Jesus Christ. He already refers to himself as their "king." These are his own self-incriminating words:

As I point out in Who Is “That Prophet”?, Micah 2:13 refers to the office Christ has given me as that of “their king.”
May God wake up Gerald Flurry from his drunk, deliver him from his delusions, and save the PCG (Philadelphia Church of God) from further heresies! God let proud Nebuchadnezzar go off the deep end for quite awhile too to humble him and then brought him around.
All this could have been avoided if Gerald Flurry had humbled himself when first presented with Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. Instead he ran out of steam with Malachi's Message, tried to rally folks with what had already been done - getting Mystery of the Ages out - then Stephen Flurry's book Raising the Ruins ( a repeat of Malachi's Message in greater detail, but same old, same old) and now his grandiose music hall that will leave them singing the blues!