Friday, March 20, 2009

Hello and Shalom -

This is Shlomo Wollins - the editor/founder of - the premier Jewish Media Sharing and Social Network. The WeJew team is continuously working to make sure your media surfing experience on the web is top-notch. This week we have some great new content to introduce to you as well as a brand new feature that will blow you away, if you really want to enjoy watching top quality videos on the net.


Wejew Movie of the Week - One of the most powerful of Biblical movies ever filmed - this weeks movie of the week is JEREMIAH. Here is an insightful review from one of our viewers: "The film 'Jeremiah' character sketches one of Israel's most important prophet - Jeremiah. When Israel is being captured by the superpower Babylon, Jeremiah asks the people to change their ways and re-establish the covenant with G-d, most high. It is a stunning film that calls the viewers to look into their own hearts and purify thereby creating a strong Israel. Israel's strength lies not in its military might or the materialistic idols - whether it is money or goods, but the relationship with the one true G-d of the universe. As a people, we are called to be a lamp for all nations."No need to go out to a movie this Saturday night - save the money on gas, tickets, and popcorn and just pull up a chair and click here to see the movie:


Direct Link to playlist:

Now, if you missed Last Week's Movie of the Week - it was the epic drama Esther (Purim):


Direct Link to movie group: new feature is the WEJEW GOOD DEED MOVIE OF THE WEEK - see how one person can make a difference - If there is one video you ever get to see in life, make sure it is this one:

VALIDATION Short Movie - Change Someone's Life

Another movie of the ultimate self-sacrifice - see this tribute video to a young Israeli man who died saving 70 of his friends 'with his dying breath':

Hero Noam Apter - With His Dying Breath Video


'Blessed Is The Match' - An award-winning true saga of the only rescue mission conducted to save the Jewish people during the Holocaust - by a young lady:

Blessed Is The Match Film Trailer or watch Blessed Is The Match Trailer in HD (only for fast broadband connections):

Blessed Is The Match Film Trailer in HIGH DEFINITION

WEJEW has one of largest collections of high-quality Jewish Movie Trailers on the Internet click the link below to see our library of 167 Trailers:

WeJew Library of Jewish Movie Trailers

WEJEW COOL NEW SITE FEATURE OF THE WEEK: TURN THE 'LIGHTS OFF!'How does Lights Off work? Now you can cut the lights on the whole screen around the video so that you only see the video, without any distractions. Just click on the new "Lights Off" button located in the 'About this File' box for any video on wejew. Test it out this week with Jeremiah, the WeJew movie of the week. (To disable and turn lights on - just click anywhere on page outside the video box!)

Thank you for being a part of the Wejew community - the ONE site for the ONE People!

Shalom from The Wejew Team

WeJew - The Ultimate Jewish Media Sharing and Networking Community