Monday, March 09, 2009

Death penalty for Ehud Olmert?

Israelis are afflicted with treacherous leaders like Americans suffer from, and indicted Ehud Olmert proves a politician will say anything to get elected since he used to speak against the division of Jerusalem. I met him when he was mayor of Jerusalem. Now dangerous UNJews like Olmert rewards terrorism and shamefully calls for Jerusalem's dismemberment, unlike strong Jewish leaders like Meir Kahane, former Knesset member and rabbi murdered by another Arab terrorist, who preached peace through strength, called upon Israel to expel sworn enemies and secure Jewish holy sites presently under Nazi Muslim occupation.

We can expect the bloody Vatican and the pagan pope's visit to the Holy Land of Israel in May to throw fuel on the fires undermining Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, invoking the accursed UN Resolution 181 to further the German-Jesuit agenda against the Jews and Israel.

Meanwhile, Ehud Olmert should be indicted for treason according to Israeli law:

Section B: Treason
97 (a). A person who, with intent to violate the sovereignty of the state, commits an act that has the potential to violate the state's sovereignty is liable to life imprisonment or the death penalty.
97 (b). A person who, with intent that any area be withdrawn from the sovereignty of the state or placed under the sovereignty of a foreign state, commits an act that has the potential to bring this about is liable to life imprisonment or the death penalty...
100. A person who commits an act revealing any one of the intentions listed in sections 97, 98 or 99 is liable to ten years imprisonment.