Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall is destined to become a national debate and an international controversy because it dares to speak the plain truth in a world of lies!
Beyond Babylon
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 1
Survival Guaranteed!
The DEVASTATION unleashed against America and her British allies was without precedent. Destruction was everywhere and a body count impossible. The catastrophe was beyond calculation.
Europe - gripped with a messianic furor - justified this mass destruction of the body to "save the soul." Besides, they have the blessing of the pope. His white robes are stained with the blood of many martyrs.
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 2
Why National Defeat?
Why are we in mortal danger? Why will the American, British and Jewish people SUFFER national defeat? How could Europe ever turn against us?
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 3
Truth or Consequences
As global tensions increase, and threats of confrontation escalate, we might very well wonder whether humanity will survive. Unless there’s a GOD to intervene, we have a bleak future indeed: a DEAD PLANET! Will earth become a nuclear fireball? Will charred bones - aftermath of unleashed atomic fires - and the smoldering ruins of a suicidal civilization be all that’s left?
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 4
Victims of Tradition
Whenever our behavior gets out of control, God lets us loose control! When we’re held hostage to bad habits, and refuse to let them go, we go into captivity! A national lack of discipline results in God sending corrective punishment! Then we wake up and get with it, and beg God to save us. The whole purpose is to bring us to our knees and senses.
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 5
Europe's Fate
What’s going to happen to Europe? We know what’s going to happen to the American and British peoples, as well as to our Jewish brethren. The coming WORLD CRISIS is prophesied to fall especially hard on them. Why?
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 6
Jesus and the Jews
Why don't the Jews accept Jesus?" I've been asked that so many times. My usual reply? "Why haven't the Christians?" At least the Jews are waiting for the proper imperial restoration. The Messiah's coming to sit on DAVID'S THRONE - not Caesar's or "St. Peter's." The Anointed One's going to rule from JERUSALEM - not Rome!
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 7
Elijah's Key Role
Israel's about to host the greatest showdown on earth! A spiritual conflict of interests will create such a scene in Jerusalem that the whole world will watch! Zion will be an arena of prophets and sorcerers, warriors and kings! The forces of good and evil are set to duel: the sons of light will battle the sons of darkness, and truth will confront error head-on!
Your speaking ability has improved. I see you are confortable in front of the camera now. It is a pleasure to see your abilities grow (as all christians abilities should grow)
You realize that the two witnesses are a type of Moses and Elijah? It seems strange for you to put Elijah over Moses. Surely you know the state side is over the church side? Just as in the USA, even a humble policeman that works for the state side can give the head of a church a ticket. State side is the man and church side the woman. Check out Revelations and the curses the two witnesses will do to comfirm the Moses/Elijah thing.
I'm not comfortable yet in front of the camera, but I'm learning to be, so help me God.
Will the Church of God Welcome the Two Witnesses?Church of God minister Arlen Berkey, in "The Work of God in the Laodicean Era," makes a statement nobody in God's Church would disagree with: "The whole world will soon know about the two witnesses. They will not be welcome by this world."
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11. Who are these two prophets? What do they have to say? Why are they called the two witnesses? How will their message be proclaimed? And is there any special significance to the fact that they're headquartered in Jerusalem?
Two Witnesses to Testify in Jerusalem Against EuropeTwo controversial figures, referred to in the Book of Revelation as two witnesses, two olive trees, two candlesticks and two prophets, will boldly declare GOD'S JUDGMENTS and proclaim the LORD'S CONTROVERSY (Micah 3:8; 6:1-2), delivering a BLISTERING MESSAGE and a SCORCHING CONDEMNATION -- just before NUCLEAR FIRE AND BRIMSTONE RAINS DOWN upon those who've rejected GOD'S ULTIMATUM (Isaiah 41:27; 30:27).
Politics in the Church of God Hinders Progress
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