Monday, January 30, 2006

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

Henry Niman / Recombinomics In the News

Recombinomics Online

Linked Commentary

Linked Discussions

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)
Bird Flu Threat to Great Britain London Sun

Bird Flu In Turkey Mega Channel, Greece

Bird Flu In Turkey Mega Channel, Istanbul

Bird Flu In Turkey Mega Channel, Greece

Bird Flu In Turkey Kitty Pilgrim on CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight

Bird Flu In Turkey Mega Channel, Istanbul

Bird Flu In Turkey Kitty Pilgrim on CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight

The Bug Blogger Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

World braces for more bird flu in 2006 Agence France-Presse

Why is Canada not releasing H5 wild birds lab results? canadafreepress

Bird Flu In China Kitty Pilgrim on CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight

Wild Bird Flu Interview Geri Guidetti Audio (1st Hour)
Audio (2nd Hour)

What Waits in the Wings? Pittsburgh Tribune Review

President Bush's Bird Flu Plan Kitty Pilgrim on CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight

Fox Chapel researcher says bird flu coming faster than expected Pittsburgh Tribune Review

Virus expert questions amount of Canada's Tamiflu stockpiles CBC

Bird Flu Interview Pat Miles WCCO Radio

Bird Flu Interview Nutramedical Show (audio)

Virus isn't 'invading' Europe Arizona Republic

Bird Flu Interview Rense encore

Bird Flu Interview Zoh Hieronimus WCBM Talk Radio

Bird Flu Interview Mega Channel, Geece / Rueters TV

Bird Flu Interview Rense

Bird Flu Interview John Stadmiller National Intel Report (audio 1) (audio 2)

Bird Flu Special Report Jeff Rense

Bird Flu Interview Greg Syzmanski The Investigative Journal (audio)

Avian flue pandemic could kill up to 300 million people

Bird Flu / Romania Interview Daryl Bradford Smith (audio 1) (audio 2) French Connection

Experts warn of looming flu disaster National Review of Medicine

Bird Flu Indonesia Recap with Ian Punnit Coast to Coast Radio

Bird Flu Indonesia Update Marina's Pandemic Podcast (audio 1) (audio 2) (audio 3)

Bird Flu / Indonesia Interview Daryl Bradford Smith (audio 1) (audio 2) French Connection

Bird Flu / Recombination & Virulence Interview Dr Bill Deagle (audio) Nutramedical Show

Avian flu in Russia may be sensitive to Amantadine Medical News Today

EURONOMICS; Biggest Bird Flu Impact Seen on Government Budgets Dow Jones

Wild Bird Flu / Finland Interview Daryl Bradford Smith (free audio) French Connection

FOCUS: EU's Eastern Borders Face Bird Flu Threat Dow Jones

Wild Bird Flu / Europe Interview Daryl Bradford Smith (free audio) French Connection

Point of Contact: Henry Niman Dallas Morning News

Bird Flu / Mongolia Interview Dr Stan Monteith Radio Liberty

Bird Flu / Mongolia Interview Daryl Bradford Smith (audio) French Connection

Bird Flu / Mongolia Interview Dr Bill Deagle (audio) Nutramedical Show

Sichuan pig fiercely seizes person famous Wei Chua to examine Abundant News

Experts question the cause of Chinese outbreak United Press International

Chinese Ebola John Batcheler Show (Audio link) Larry Kudlow Guest Host Interviews John Loftus

Pathogenic Poitics: Is Bird Flu Already Spreading in Asia? The Epoch Times

Bird and Swine Flu Interview Geri Guidetti Audio (1st Hour)
John Moore Show Audio (2nd Hour)

Bird Flu Special (Kitty Pilgrim) Lou Dobbs Tonight CNN

China bug - Is it Ebola-like bird flu The Straits Times

The Politics of Pandemic: Is the Bird Flu Already Spreading in Asia? The Epoch Times

Mystery deaths in China linked to pigs Sydney Morning Herald

Mysterious Sichuan, China Deaths May Involve Bird Flu The Epoch Times

Qinghai Interview (Daryl Bradford Smith) French Connection July 25
Audio Link

Qinghai Interview Jeff Rense July 21

Qinghai Interview Bill Deagle Audio Link July 14

Bird Flu Interview (Daryl Bradford Smith) French Connection June 29

Qinghai Interview Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Outbreak cover-up? South China Morning Post

Bird Flu Interview Jeff Rense June 23

Bird Flu Interview Bill Deagle Midas Report June 23 Audio

China to stop using human flu drug on poultry New Scientist

Blogging Community Helping Spread Word About Deadly Bird Flu Investors Business Daily

Bird Flu Interview Bill Deagle Midas Report June 16

Bird Flu Interview Midas Report - Darly Bradford Smith
Genesis Network

Bird Flu Interview Bill Deagle Midas Report June 2
Part 1 Part 2

Bird flu: we're all going to die The Register

Blogging the Pandemic The Tyee

Bird Flu FMD epidemics in China National Business Review (New Zealand)

Bird Flu Interview Jeff Rense May 26 - 10 PM EST

H5N1 Spreading Among Humans? The Scientist

WSN/33 Interview MythArc May 6 Audio

Emerging Flu Pandemic (George Noory) Coast to Coast Talk Radio
May 5

Avian Influenza Interview Radio Liberty
April 26 Genesis Network

WSN/33, H2N2, Marburg, Bird Flu Interview Jeff Rense April 24 Genesis Network

WSN/33, H2N2, Marburg, Bird Flu Interview Jeff Rense
April 21 Genesis Network

Avian Influenza / Marburg Interview Midas Report - Dr Bill Deagle
April 21 Audio (clip2)

Avian Influenza / Marburg Interview MythArc audio

Avian Influenza Interview MythArc audio

Pig Flu Scare - Case Closed? Science

Marburg and Bird Flu Interview Midas Report - Darrell Smith
April 12 Genesis Network

Influenza Intrigue lewrockwell

Airborne SARS Interview John Oakley Morning Show 640Toronto

Avian Influenza Interview Daryl Smith - Republic Broadcasting Network (audio)

Many Scientists Fear Bird Flu Cases Exceed Data Los Angeles Times

Something wicked this way comes sundaypaper

The Science of Influenza Wall Street Journal

Pigs Hold Clues for Man Made Flu Wired

Industry Vitals Wall Street Journal

Bird flu strikes Vietnam nurse: Human-to-human vector suspected National Business Review (New Zealand)

Experts Dismiss Pig Flu Scare as Nonsense Science

Predicting Bird Flu's Future Wired News

Test in Tokyo reveal flaws in Vietnam's bird flu surveillence Nature

Flu gene discovery prompts calls for tighter monitoring Nature

No Bird Flu Pandemic - Yet WebMD

CDC Warns of Deadly Flu Pandemic Fox News

Bird Flu Spate Signals Easier Transmission Los Angeles Times
Just How deadly is Bird Flu? It Depends on Whom You Ask The Wall Street Journal

Scale of Pandemic Not Predictable, WHO Says CIDRAP

The Genome is Fowl Wired News

W.H.O. Official Says Deadly Pandemic Is Likely if the Asian Bird Flu Spreads to People The New York Times

Tens of millions could die from flu International Herald Tribune

U.N. Health Official Foresees Tens of Millions Dying in a Global Flu The New York Times

WHO aide warns of avian flu pandemic International Herald Tribune

Be safe, not sorry, when it comes to bird flu The Straits Times

Weapons may be 'pre-made' to fight bird flu virus The Straits Times

We knew pigs had bird flu: Beijing The Standard

Tamiflu did well in test on H5N1 in '97 The Straits Times

Bird flu: Current vaccines unlikely to help The Straits Times

Bird flu two years to control: WHO CNN

Eating Poultry in China a Political Act Associated Press

Dual Outbreaks Force China to Reflect Associated Press

State of Denial Newsweek

Lessons learned: How China's fight against SARS affects its bird-flu efforts Associated Press

Vaccine option possible against bird flu Globe and Mail

China halts poultry imports from U.S. after bird flu outbreak in Delaware Associated Press

Bird Flu: Are there risks, cures? Asia News

No part of Asia safe from bird flu: WHO Agence France-Presse

Guangdong hid deaths' The Standard (Hong Kong)

Avian flu seen spreading far and wide across Asia Knight Ridder Newspapers

Inoculating the world against the wrong flu The Straits Times

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Airborne SARS Interview John Oakley Morning Show 640Toronto

One suspected SARS patient dies as virus returns to haunt China Agence France-Presse

SARS returns to haunt China TV New Zealand

China on SARS alert after 2 possible cases surface Agence France-Presse

China on SARS alert as two possible cases are discovered Associated Press

SARS Forgotten But Not Gone Wired News

WHO to Launch SARS Surveillence System Associated Press

Tinkering with the key to locking up deadly bug The Straits Times

SARS: Are We Ready? Time

Return of the virus - 'in next 2 months' The Straits Times

Better be forearmed: Treat the case as Sars The Straits Times

Animals in Chinese markets carried SARS-like virus CIDRAP

Chinese economic concerns trump safety Associated Press

Virus at Canada Nursing Home Not SARS Associated Press

Vancouver Sars denial a cause for concern The Straits Times

More SARS or Just a False Alarm? Wired News

Vancouver virus: SARS mutation? Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A Sequel to SARS? Science

Son Of SARS? CBS News

SARS may be here again The Straits Times

Cadmium Exposure Mimics Estrogen Wired News

Something's in the air: liberties in the face of SARS and other infectious diseases - Singapore Reason

Let them eat cats World Magazine

Human Sars bug similar to virus in animals The Straits Times

Clues to the Animal Origin of SARS Science

Animal-Human SARS Link Found Wired News

New research links SARS to virus found in Chinese animals Associated Press

SARS Sequence Analysis ProMed

Tinkering with the key to locking up deadly bug The Straits Times

SARS Origin APEC Emerging Infections Network

SARS Origin, Speculation ProMed

U.K. scientists ask: Is SARS from Mars? Canadian Press

SARS Origin, Speculation ProMed

Worldwide SARS outbreak seems to be near end Los Angeles Times

SARS: More questions than answers The National Business Review (New Zealand)

SARS Mutations and Contact Tracing ProMed

A week in a bug's life in science labs around the world The Straits Times

Wrong Formula for SARS Death Rate? Saipan Tribune

Counting victims: Discounting the SARS reassurance syndrome The National Business Review (New Zealand)

Fewer new SARS cases in Hong Kong Associated Press

Sars rate begins to fall in Hong Kong London Times

Sars virus a bioweapon? Unlikely The Straits Times

The politics of SARS The Manila Times

Sewage Puts a New Spin on SARS Wired News

SARS Mutations ProMed

SARS death rate inches higher in Hong Kong

New find on SARS virulence - Genetic 'hot spot' clue The Australian

SARS Etiology ProMed

SARS Etiology ProMed

As SARS rages, Hong Kong orders a quarantine International Herald Tribune

The mutating world of a killer virus The Straits Times

SARS mutating, becoming more virulent: new warning Sydney Morning Herald

Superspreaders May Hold SARS Clue Wired News

'Super-Infectors' Are Key To Rapid Spread Of SARS The London Times

Can Some Individuals Transmit SARS More Widely Than Others? Wall Street Journal

Super-spreaders fan SARS fears Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Experts divided on SARS' prevalence Knight Ridder News

WHO's Methodology May Understate SARS Death Rate, Some Officials Say Wall Street Journal

Stopping SARS: A Search for Drugs Wired News

Police seal off Beijing hospital over SARS Sydney Morning Herald

Mutating SARS Keeps Docs Sweating Wired News

Doctors log on to fight SARS outbreak CNET News

Hungry For Details, Scientists Zoom in On SARS Genome Science

SARS Gene Sequence Unveiled Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

80 new SARS cases brings quarantine in Hong Kong International Herald Tribune

U.S. SARS Quarantine Policy in Effect Associated Press

SARS Gene Sequence Unveiled Wired News

Hong Kong re-evaluates SARS treatment after 12 more deaths Associated Press

Gene Chip Helps Identify Cause of SARS Associated Press

Bacillis Anthracis (Anthrax)

Closing of Lab Marks Renewed Intensity in Anthrax Probe Baltimore Sun

Agency Looks Into Claim Doctor Had Skin Anthrax New York Times

Clusters of Illness Suggest That Most Infections Came From Two Mailings New York Times