Wednesday, January 04, 2006

"The Killers are Free" poster campaign

1,500 huge posters in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Israel declaring "The Killers are Free" is David Rutstein's latest move in a brilliant campaign being waging to bring Shimon Peres to justice for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin.

"The Killers are Free"

"The Kempler video"

"10 minutes"

"There's a 4th person in the Cadillac"


all appear on the sign that Rutstein is wearing in the poster which is considered "provocative" in Israel. The big Hebrew headline reads: "The Killers are Free" followed by "David Rutstein" and "Jewish Hero." The posters call Rutstein a Jewish hero since one must be brave to go public with such controversial charges in Israel. Mr. Rutstein feels that one headline is enough to put Shimon Peres on trial by raising public awareness and increasing the outcry for justice.