Sunday, January 22, 2006

Brit-Am Israel responds to David Ben-Ariel

Brit-Am Israel is a Jerusalem-based organization dedicated to revealing the Israelite origins of the West, but includes an internet newsletter called "The Jerusalem News."

A recent issue of "The Jerusalem News" included Steven Plaut's vain attempt to dismiss all charges against Shimon Peres by Barry Chamish through ridicule and misleading "answers." I took issue with such dangerous lies, knowing the real killers of Yitzhak Rabin remain free, and wrote Yair to which he responds:

Jerusalem News-401
1. Authorship of "Israel's Plague of Conspiracism"
2. David Ben Ariel in Defence of BC and Brit-Am Answer

1. Authorship of "Israel's Plague of Conspiracism"
The article in Jerusalem News-400
item #1. Jewish Press: Israel's Plague of Conspiracism
was written by Steven Plaut.

2. David Ben Ariel in Defence of BC and Brit-Am Answer
re Jerusalem News-400
item #1. Jewish Press: Israel's Plague of Conspiracism

Steven Plaut wrote:

> > Virtually every "question" raised by the conspiracists about the Rabin
> > assassination has by now been fully explained away and answered:


That's a DAMN LIE and shame on you for aiding and abetting those who would continue what is clearly a cover-up. Are you going to dismiss the prosecutor of the case who came foreward this year and publicly expressed her concerns about "new" evidence that proves Rabin was shot at point blank range and in the front - something the Kempler video proves Amir didn't do.

The ballistics expert at the trial said there was NO GUN RESIDUE on Yigal Amir - something impossible if he shot real bullets.

David Rutstein and Barry Chamish both publicly charge Shimon Peres with being involved in the murder and haven't been sued, whereas others have sued for less and won.

Whether or not you want to believe it, Shimon Peres came to power over Rabin's dead body and you're not helping pursue justice ...

Most sincerely,

David Ben-Ariel
Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body
[News-and-Society:Politics] Who really murdered Yitzhak Rabin? Does the
Kempler video prove the official government version is bogus? Was Shimon
Peres an accomplice in Rabin's death? Will Barry Chamish be vindicated,
after all?

Visit David Ben-Ariel's blog!

Ariel Shalom
First of all Brit-Am wishes to thank you and acknowledge your strong and persistent support of Brit-Am over the years and your very effective efforts on the Web at spreading awareness of the Brit-Am message.
There are actually, like yourself, quite a few good Brit-Am supporters who
are also fans of Barry Chamish.
This is somewhat unfortunate since in the interests of the Israelite Nation
and of Judah we find ourselves frequently obliged to denounce BC for what he is.
In reply to the body of your message:

(2. Peres to Sue
(3. Conspiracy

(1. Rabin: I personally believe that Yigal Amir killed Rabin and that in light of the circumstances he may have been given a raw deal. It may have been a mistake both regarding the truth and tactics for the religious right in Israel to deny this possibility and place too much emphasis on "Conspiracy" notions. Nevertheless the strong desire to find "others"guilty of the act is understandable and to a degree even justifiable in light of some of the evidence as first presented.
Whatever the case we do not really care one way or the other on this matter.

(2. Peres to Sue BC? We do not like Peres. Maybe he is a criminal and worse. That bad things are said about him does not really worry us though the truth should be told. Lies can only do a disservice in the long run. Apart from that, if you were Shimeon Peres would you sue?
Why should an 86 - year old man not necessarily in the best of health expose himself to great aggravation and legal costs to sue BC thus drawing attention to the claims of BC and allowing BC to conduct a publicity circus, and publicize numerous additional allegations some of which may be partly true?
If Peres won the case, as he probably would, and was awarded costs and damages would he be able to collect the money??
Would the credibility of BC be affected in the eyes of his adherents?
Would the standing of Shimeon Peres be enhanced?
I doubt it.
BC has lost cases before and knows from experience that he has nothing to worry about losing more.

(3. Conspiracy. This is the main point as far as we are concerned. BC provided a service to those who needed the "guilt" for the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin to be diverted to "Establishment" figures.
We disagree with him on this matter but who cares?
That BC tells lies about people some of whom are much better than himself is a bad thing but we could live with it.
Our task at the moment is not to rectify all injustices in this world or
even part of them.
BC however promotes anti-Semitic false Conspiracy doctrines, blood libels, and filthy lies about the Jewish people and about the Tribes of Joseph.
This is a filthy crime and that is why we do not like him and speak against
That is more than sufficient.

Yair Davidiy
POB 595
Jerusalem 91004
"And I will bless them that bless you" (Genesis 12:15).

The conclusion of the matter and my response to Yair Davidy of Brit-Am Israel:

Thank you for your response, Yair. We can agree to disagree, eh? At least we're both in strong agreement on reconciliation between Joseph and Judah, which I believe is meant to be your God-given focus.

Shavua tov,