Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Condoleeza was Surprised [A Voice from Hebron]

Condoleeza was Surprised [A Voice from Hebron]
By Gary Cooperberg

Everybody seems so surprised at the tremendous Hamas victory in Israel. People really like to believe that life is a fairytale. Hamas is no different than any of the so called “Palestinian liberation organizations”. All of them, as do all of our Arab neighbors even from legitimate Arab countries, have as their final goal the complete destruction of the Jewish state. That the Jewish government has decided to negotiate with their would-be annihilators defies explanation. That Arab elections of any kind should be held in Israel is tantamount to admitting that we do not have exclusive sovereignty in our own homeland! There is no country in the world besides Israel that would make it national policy to accept a murderous enemy as a mandatory part of their civilian population.

It is simply amazing to listen to the self respecting Hamas leadership clearly telling us that its goal is to destroy the Jewish State, but it is willing to do it slowly, and even peacefully by negotiating with Israel to get it to destroy itself. It is even more amazing to watch all of the Israeli political parties running to do so! Those who really believe that holding elections in a democratic fashion will
change terrorists into paragons of brotherhood haven’t a clue to what is going on here. First of all it must be understood that Israel was never meant to be a carbon copy of American democracy. America was created to be a haven for all freedom loving people to live together with a common identity as Americans. Israel was created to be a homeland for all of the Jewish People. It was not meant to be a homeland for any other nation. While certainly foreigners who wish to live here and accept Jewish sovereignty should be welcome to do so, those who seek our destruction and who claim that our homeland really belongs to them should never have been tolerated. One doesn’t welcome his murderer into his home in the hope that eventually he may be able to live with him in peace.

There was a time when the concept of Zionism was understood to mean Jewish return to our homeland. Today one is hard put to find anyone in the ranks of the Knesset who can be honestly called a Zionist. Instead we are standing on our heads to deny Zion and to become just like all of the other nations of the world. . . only more cowardly. Jewish leaders are the last to suggest that we are destined to become the example for all of the nations to follow. Jews are ashamed to accept the role of leadership. It is undemocratic to be a light unto the nations. We seek to flee our identity as Jews and instead have become democrats and humanists.

Jonah sought to flee his destiny, only to discover that one cannot escape destiny. The Jewish People were destined to come home, and we are coming home. We were destined to become the example for all of the nations of the world to follow. It is hard to see how, but this too will come to pass. It is a waste of time and effort to try to predict how these things will come about. What rationalist could have predicted the rebirth of the Jewish State in the Land of Israel? Who would have dreamed that Hebrew would again become a living language?

What all of us must do, Jew and Gentile alike, is to believe the words of our Torah and accept Biblical destiny. There is a darkness falling upon the world. Terror as well as “natural” calamities have taken countless lives in recent years and months. Antisemitism is growing all over the world. The nations are turning against the tiny Jewish State. And G-d Himself is being denied by his creations.

No, Condoleeza, the PLO is not going to become a beacon of democracy in the Middle East. The Arabs hate the G-d of the Jews and Christians. Until you and your nation recognize that the War against Terror is really a war between the G-dly and the godless, and that Israel is the rightful inheritance of the Children of Israel, then your country stands on the brink of self destruction. You were surprised that Hamas was democratically chosen as the leader of the terrorists? You are surprised that Iraq is not blossoming into a new democracy in the Middle East. Well get ready for the biggest surprise of all. Israel will outlive all of our enemies, as we have done in the past. We are indestructible because our G-d watches over us here day and night. If the USA chooses to stand with the Arabs against this tiny nation she will reap the same reward as her partners.


WebSite: http://www.projectshofar.org
Comments/questions: gary@projectshofar.org

Project Shofar is dedicated to spreading these truths wherever it is possible to do so. It is sounding the alarm, to Jew and Gentile alike, to open our eyes to the G-dly process that is presently underway, and work to support it. We dare not stand idly on the sidelines.

If you want to support the concepts espoused by the Voice from Hebron, and the physical work of Project Shofar, you can send a tax deductible contribution to:

Project Shofar, Inc.
P.O. Box 181191
Casselberry, FL 32718

Gary Cooperberg will be going on a speaking tour to the states between March 19 and 30th. Those who are in a position to invite him to speak to their local groups may contact him directly at gary@projectshofar.org.

Gary makes regular speaking tours to the states and strives to reach out to all who express an interest in the ongoing process of Zionist Redemption, Jew and Gentile alike. An observant Jew, Gary will not enter into a church sanctuary, but will be happy to address groups in a social hall or other secular location.