Saturday, January 14, 2006

Brokeback Mountain... God and the Gays

With all the controversy surrounding the newly released movie Brokeback Mountain, "God and the Gays" is appropriate reading for this time.

God and the Gays

Chapter One


Homosexuality.... Is it a matter of choice? Are some born that way? And if so, then how could God condemn it? Or does He? Does it make a difference? Who offered it as an "alternative lifestyle?" Are same-sex drives due to conditioning? Are gays and lesbians a quirk of nature? Something queer to jeer? Would it have been better to have never been born? All of these questions and more are only a few of the many that race through people's minds; causing controversy, heated arguments and emotional wounds, as words fly back and forth carelessly.

It could be safe to say that homosexuality is the result of many factors. But who's to blame? Must we even lay a guilt-trap at anyone's door? Maybe mother, then again there's the father who didn't figure for too much. Society? Genes? The stars? Most people know their sexual orientation by their teens. They don't just suddenly discover they're "straight" and "come out" about it. Let's get real.

Who's to accept the responsibility for our actions? Some have felt "gay" ever since they were very young and therefore imagine that they were born gay. Others seem to pick up, adopt or assimilate homosexual tendencies through association. They must have already had an inclination towards it. It rubbed off on them. Then there are those who were bored and needed a change. They wanted to try it and see if they liked it.

Sometimes, due to "force" of circumstances, men in prison, boy's homes and/or monasteries [or Brokeback Mountain], might resort to homosexual activities. Later, as soon as possible, some of them revert to heterosexual ways, while others continue to enjoy the "best of both world" as a bisexual. Are "bestiality is best" fans born that way? Or are incestuous relationships something innate? Do we have a predisposition chemically for incest? Are we set up for such a fall from birth? Would that justify or excuse us? Is promiscuity merely a part of man's "animal instincts?" Is the challenge of the chase a primeval hang-over from the "days of the hunt?" Actually, ALL of the above are simply DISTRACTIONS! It's not a question of who or what we're most comfortable with, prefer, like or are attracted to; those are only attempts to sidestep the real issue!

God isn't only the Creator, but the Sustainer of the entire universe. As such, his Majesty's Government - headquartered in the highest heaven - has issued (at Mt. Sinai) various health rules and regulations (Malachi 4:4). The Creator-King has predetermined, in His infinite wisdom, which "food and drugs" are safe and sound for our consumption.

If we keep uppermost in mind the reason for our mortal existence, the SUPREME PURPOSE for our human-being; to establish contact with our Superior-Being and develop a relationship with Him - then we'll know and understand that everything God does is for our benefit. God wants to help us, not hinder us. He enjoys encouraging us to attain our goals and fulfill our potential (Lk. 12:31-32). Father does know what's best: what He has in store for us is beyond our wildest dreams (Ephes. 3:20; 1 Cor. 2:9)!