Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ehud Olmert's brutal assault against Amona


Little Ehud's Amona Pogrom: Eye Witness Testimony Series

copyright (c) 2006 by Mr. Shlomo Wollins
Publisher & Editor
Cell Phone: 054-7388-054 (Israel)
011-972-54-7388-054 (from overseas)

Brutal asssault on Amona
R&B Editor's Note: Shlomo Wollins and Nadia Matar were wounded, along with MK Aryeh Eldad (former I.D.F. Chief Medical Officer), MK General Effie Eitam, and hundreds of Jewish boys and girls, in the Israel Government Einsatzgruppen storm trooper assault on the Jewish Pioneering Community of AMONA, on orders of Pharaoh Olmert & Sidekick Tyrants, who walk in the footsteps of their master, Butcher of Gush Katif Ariel Sharon -- now a Catheterized Vegetable in Ein Kerem Hadassah Hospital -- may they soon join him there. The State of Israel as we now have the misfortune to know it, is rapidly passing out of existence. Soon missiles from Hamas, Hizbollah, SYRIA and IRAN will devastate TEL AVIV, HAIFA and other centers of power of the current regime. Soon the "Quartet" "Road Map" nations will be engulfed in the gathering global avian bird flu pandemic []. Soon the Descendent of David will sit on the throne of Israel in Liberated YERUSHALIYIM, and all those gathering against us -- both from within and without -- will be as if they had never existed.

LIBERATED YERUSHALIYIM, D.C. (David's Capital), Liberated Israelite Tribal Territories of Yehudah and Binyamin, Kingdom of David and Shlomo, United Israelite Kingdom of Yehudah and Yosef, Yom Chamishi, 4 Shvat, 5766, Root & Branch Information Services,

This is Shlomo Wollins reporting live (barely) for JERUSALEM (returned from AMONA) at 21:38 IT on Wednesday, February 1, 2006.

There are no words to transmit the horror and tragedy that my eyes have witnessed over the last 24 hours in AMONA. It was clearly a staged and intensely violent attack on the child-protestors, that at times became complete chaos with Jewish Pioneer deaths not out of realm of reality. 250 of the children have been hospitalized (roughly 1 out of 10 of the protestors), with one young boy in a self-induced coma having suffered a fractured skull.

Although this was the most severe injury, I personally witnessed and filmed dozens of young man being carried out on stretchers with severely-bleeding, multiple head wounds from the riot batons. It was a scene out of Dante's Inferno, and radically exceeded the GUSH KATIF situation in intensity, injury, and violence. Not only children, but Member of Knesset General Effie Eitam was kicked in head by a horse as soldiers pushed forward, and was carried out on stretcher with profuse head bleeding.

I suffered numerous injuries to my legs, knees, ankles and back in the attempt to document this black day in Jewish history. The most severe injury, for which I will checking into hospital tomorrow, was the result of being pounded by 4-5 lb. large rock. As I looked up from filming, there was enormous rock hurtling for my face. I was able to avoid contact with my face (avoiding numerous facial bone fractures/breaks) but the large rock landed on upper chest/sternum. Normal breathing is noticeably painful so we will be in hospital to X-rays of internal damage to sternum.

Due to my press clearance combined with my foolish willingness to remain in mid-battle to film, []
has taken 4 gigabytes of video and pictures, covering the battle for the entrance road last night, and the struggle to prevent the destruction of the 9 newly-built homes (now in total destruction). After 6 hours sleep in last three days, and unimaginably stressful and tasking circumstances, I apologize to our readership that the content posting will be delayed one day, as I must place one nights' sleep and the hospital care before the update.

If I am required to remain in hospital, we have already established wireless Internet from any location, and the massive picture photo-story (in excess of 100 pictures taken by Wollins) and the posting of 30 videos (approx.) will occur in either case.

My dear readers, the pictures and videos will be graphic and shocking, and discretion with young children may be prudent.

Exclusive Update on Life-Threatening Condition of Wounded Child in Amona:

I have just been contacted by a medic who has been involved with the treatment of the 200+ wounded child protestors. He said that doctors who have worked in Israel for 20 years are shocked at extent of wounds and numbers of injured. The doctor said that when the I.D.F. raids an Arab "terror-den", that the terrorists wounded in raid are usually less-severe than the majority of the cases with the child-protestors.

Our medic contact has provided a dire assessment of the seriously-wounded child. According to our sources, the death of the child is entirely possible, as the situation is grave. The greatest concern is that the child is not breathing on his own and is breathing through a respirator during the self-induced coma. This indicates pressure in the brain, and potential brain damage, should our child-protestor survive. This might be a good time to say a special prayer for the recovery of this child, as well as all of the wounded defenders of the Land and Jewish Pioneering Communities of Israel.

My dear readers, please send this email and links to all that care about Israel...I will be unable to forward this mail tonight beyond our list, and we must awaken all Jews and Lovers of Zion to stand up, protest, demand, pressure, and unify our efforts to prevent any more "Amonas".

Finally, editor Wollins' videocamera was effectively ruined in todays' violence, as well as having several thousand shekels worth of brand-new equipment lost. In addition to site rebuild (about one month away from launching), and our desire to open a new radio channel on the Internet, we are now faced with having to replace Shlomo's video camera and brand-new lost equipment, as well as intentions to launch the new radio program. Bottom-line, this would be a great time to fundraise for and/or make or refer/inspire personal and significant contributions.


Mr. Shlomo Wollins
Publisher & Editor
cp: 054-7388-054 (Israel)
011-972-54-7388-054 (from overseas)