Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Five R's for Resisting Temptation

The Five R's for Resisting Temptation:

When facing temptation...

REMEMBER who you are - you are a child of God and a follower of Jesus Christ!

RECOGNIZE the consequences of your action - will you feel better or worse afterwards? Who might be hurt or helped? Will you glorify God? Will you separate yourself from God? Etc.

REDIDICATE yourself to God through prayer - stop, in the midst of the temptation, and pray, asking for God's help and strength.

REVEAL your struggle to a trusted friend who will hold you accountable. When your temptation is no longer a secret, it loses some of its power.

REMOVE yourself from the situation - when you know there is a situation in which you are tempted, plan to avoid the situation.

Nothing revolutionary here - but, if followed, these 5 R's will help you to resist temptation.

(I found this while surfing the web. It's from a Methodist pastor Adam Hamilton and definitely worth sharing!).

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