Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Is a World Dictator About to Appear?

As the Plain Truth declared back in 1966, "Just as the Catholic Church once
interposed her order on nations and peoples, she again is proposing to establish a ‘Christian order' which alone is able to guarantee peace. To this goal the resources of the Church now are directed.'
So said the late Pope Pius in a Christmas broadcast on December 24, 1951" (Plain Truth, July 1966)...

Will the Bavarian pope soon raise this banner to unite Europe behind the man the Vatican will soon promote with an ungodly passion? Watch Germany stand behind their man, as Herr Ratzinger works his wonders to get the masses eating out of his hand.

The Plain Truth also encouraged its readers to "Look for the Vatican to exert more influence in European affairs. Yugoslavia and the Vatican have resumed full diplomatic relations—a move that could lead to further ties between the Vatican and Eastern Europe.... The pope, encouraging European political unity, stated, ‘We note with pleasure that the German government contributes actively to the achievement of this aim.' Vatican influence over European affairs is destined to grow in the months ahead" (Plain Truth, Aug./Sept. 1970)...

Is a World Dictator About to Appear?

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