Saturday, July 25, 2009

Anti-Zionist cloak for anti-Semitism

Re: comment by "Doug" to Will Israel Right the Wrong against David Ben-Ariel?

Doug, thank you for introducing yourself. That being said, it appears you're not only suffering from murderous anti-Semitism but delude yourself you're "only" anti-Zionist. That's what cowards hide behind who are less than honest with themselves or others.

You engage in murderous lies, character assassination, against all Jews who are Zionists as collaborators with the accursed RCC. Yet none of the Torah observant Jews I know subscribe to Masonry and they hate the bloody Vatican and vile Roman Catholic Cult like I do, as a Christian Zionist. This was evident by our staunch opposition to the pagan pope's visit to the Holy Land of Israel, escorted by UNJews like Shimon Peres.

Many prophecies clearly speak of the restoration of Jews and the reclamation of the Promised Land of Israel in these latter days.

Is it possible God utilized less than savory characters at times to create the Jewish Homeland of Israel, as he did with the United States? Where's your concern and condemnation that British-Israelite cities like Washington and London are laid out according to Masonic design?

Would you have vainly opposed any help from the pagan King Cyrus who was instrumental in bankrolling the Jewish return to Zion and supported the construction of the Temple?

Your knee-jerk reference to the "synagogue of Satan" belies a woeful or willful ignorance that it is about professing Christians, professing spiritual "Jews," not to the literal flesh and blood descendants of Judah who have been instrumental in fulfilling many prophecies about the building up of the Holy Land of Israel, establishing Jewish pioneering communities, maintaining a strong army while suffering from international pressure by Satan's useful idiots who oppose the Word and Will of God and whose opposition will soon melt away.

Doug, why not be honest and go educate yourself and let the truth set you free and then dare to share it with others and be blessed?

Synagogue of Satan?

Did Jesus Call Jews the Children of the Devil?

Plea to Diehard Catholics & Protestants to Repent