Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ron Paul update

April 28, 2007

Video: Conversation with Ron Paul

WMUR in New Hampshire continues its "Conversation with the Candidate" series with Congressman Ron Paul. 04/28/07

April 27, 2007

Details on Upcoming GOP Debate

"Politico hosts unique Republican debate"

Richard Allen Greene, 04/27/07

April 26, 2007

Paul Supporters at McCain Event in New Hampshire

"Also present yesterday were a half-dozen supporters of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who held signs on the perimeter of the area set aside for the event. Paul, a staunch advocate for smaller government, is perhaps the most right-leaning GOP candidate in the race."

Union Leader, 04/26/07

The Christian Right and Ron Paul

"By the Christian Right’s own criteria, their candidate ought to be Ron Paul."

Laurence M. Vance, 04/26/07

April 25, 2007

Press Release

Ron Paul Signs Pledge to Never Raise Your Taxes

CONTACT: Jesse Benton, 703-650-9559

April 25, 2007

ARLINGTON, VA – Presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-TX) today pledged to the American people that as president he would veto any bill that raised their taxes. The pledge, sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform, is offered to all presidential candidates as a way to distinguishes real fiscal conservatives from tax-and-spend, big-government politicians.

After signing the pledge, Dr. Paul issued the following statement:

“Signing the Taxpayer Protection Pledge was easy for me. During my 10 terms in Congress, I have never voted to raise taxes, and I never will. To be honest, I can’t understand why a Republican wouldn’t sign it.

“Liberty is best served when Americans keep more of their own, hard-earned money. I think taxes should be as low as possible. As president, I would work to lower taxes for every American as I have for years as a member of Congress.”


Reason Commentary

"Paul’s campaign is doing better in many respects than I would have guessed back when the rumors of his candidacy first hit the ‘Net back in January."

Brian Doherty, Reason Online, 04/24/07

April 24, 2007

Ask Your Question for the Debate

The GOP Presidential Candidates Debate will be held on May 3rd at 8:00 pm EDT. Questions from the public are being collected now by The Politico. Ask Your Question

April 23, 2007

Ron Paul on Lou Dobbs Tonight

Congressman Ron Paul will be interviewed by Lou Dobbs tonight on CNN at 6:45 pm ET.

"Candidates troll for votes on MySpace, YouTube"

"On the Republican side, John McCain easily leads Mitt Romney in MySpace friends, 10,366 to 7,361. A surprising No. 3 is Ron Paul, a GOP congressman from Texas who has 5,906 MySpace friends, far ahead of Rudolph Giuliani's 2,134."

Andrew Goldberg, Orlando Sentinel, 04/23/07

April 22, 2007

"Pleading the Tenth"

"But there is still one Jeffersonian left in Congress, and his name is Ron Paul. However slim his chances of capturing the nomination, however impractical his ideas, his appeal to the Tenth Amendment is no thinly veiled reference to the days of segregation. He is serious about advocating Thomas Jefferson's approach in every area of government, and the consistency of his platform is both uncommon and refreshing."

Tom Head, 04/21/07

April 21, 2007

We Can Do Better

"On the Republican side there are few good choices. Darkhorse Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) is without doubt the best candidate, a critic of the war from the start. And he wants America out of Iraq today, not next year."
"Economics matters too, of course, but it is hard to enthusiastically support even the most economically freedom-minded candidate if he or she is a warrior wannabe. Among the antiwar candidates, Ron Paul again is the best, genuinely committed to individual liberty, limited government, and constitutional democracy. In contrast to virtually all of his fellow congressman, Rep. Paul actually asks whether there is constitutional warrant for proposed federal regulation and spending."

Doug Bandow, 04/20/07