The Besheva newspaper asked Nadia Matar to write about "4 years to the expulsion- What are the lessons?"
Here is the translation of the article written in Hebrew:
Routine, Expulsion, and Eretz Israel
by Nadia Matar
David Ben-Ariel warns about a German-led Europe that God will permit to nuke the American, British and Jewish peoples for our national sins. Whether it's Christmas, Easter, abortion or homosexual marriages, they're all to blame and abominable, as brought out in Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall
The Besheva newspaper asked Nadia Matar to write about "4 years to the expulsion- What are the lessons?"
Here is the translation of the article written in Hebrew:
Routine, Expulsion, and Eretz Israel
by Nadia Matar
Is the plain truth too strong? Not according to the Word and Will of God that commands we're to cry aloud and spare not! Not whisper to the world and preach to the choir, singing lullabies as the nation dies in its sleep!
We see the prophecies for the physical descendants of Israel and Judah coming true before our very eyes with militant minorities, with the tail wagging the dog, the animals running the farm, everything upside down and confused and out of order, an unnatural state of domestic and international affairs, with White Israelites maligned, hated, discriminated against and endangered by ungrateful Gentiles, as we've been ungrateful to our Great Creator God (Deuteronomy 28:43).
by Israel National News TV
Video Tour of City of David - Preparing for Tisha B'Av
I'm grateful for those who share the City of David's past and future with us and feel honored that I was witness to the beginning of the Jewish restoration of Ir David.
Conflict in Jerusalem
They've placed barbed wire all around their "yard," freshly tarred their roof, have an Israeli flag flying & are still clearing out all the junk the Arabs threw in there for the past 7 years. It was exciting to drive through that Palestinian village as they looked on. Earlier, being hot as usual, I started to roll down my window when they reminded me it's better to be hot than get a stone in the face!
My friend Gwen Strum (from NYC) posted these pictures and I've taken and lightened them (which is what I need to do with all my old pictures). We met as volunteers at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan in 1982. Gwen is in them, I'm in a couple and my first Israeli friend, Ilan Itzhayek, is in a few. Mercy me...
Drums Along the Maumee
July 25 - 26, 2009
Learn more here!
Voyageur Ancient Fife & Drum Corps
1st Michigan Colonial Fife & Drum Corps
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson. History depicts Andrew Jackson as the last truly honorable and incorruptible American president."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
(1882-1945), 32nd US President
November 21, 1933
Source: in a letter written to Colonel E. Mandell House
"I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can and do create and destroy money. And they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of governments, and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people."
-- Richard McKenna
Secretary to the Treasury (1903), President of the Board of Education (1907–08) First Lord of the Admiralty (1908–1911), Home Secretary (1911–1915) and Chancellor of the Exchequer (1915–1916), and Chairman of the Midland Bank (1918)
Source: speaking in 1924
"...the concentration of capital and the growth of their turnover is radically challenging the significance of the banks. Scattered capitalists are transformed into a single collective capitalist. When carrying the current accounts of a few capitalists, the banks, as it were, transact a purely technical and exclusively auxiliary operation.When, however, these operations grow to enormous dimensions we find that a handful of monopolists control all the operations,both commercial and industrial, of capitalist society.They can, by means of their banking connections."
-- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin[Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov] (1870 - 1924),
First Leader of the Soviet Union
The United States is rotten to the core - our people, politicians and presidents - and we're on our deathbed. Fascist Europe will simply deal us the death blow unless we quickly remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilites (2 Chron. 7:14).
Click to FAX All 50 State Attorneys General To Investigate Obama's Birthday FRAUD
It's something I can do to help preserve what's left of our Republic and Constitution that the fraud and foreigner, the president usurper, Obama/Soetoro/Obama is bent on destroying.
Why Should Israel Have Jerusalem?
The Israeli Jews, stewards for all Twelve Tribes of Israel, must acknowledge their biblical right, first and foremost, to the biblical city of Jerusalem, and seal it with the liberation and restoration of the Temple Mount. What other people or holy book have made Jerusalem famous worldwide? To shy away from this clear biblical mandate to liberate and annex, to go and grow, survive and thrive, in every area of the Promised Land of Israel, capital Jerusalem, undermines their blessings from God and begrudging respect from the nations.
Regardless of pressure from the bloody Vatican and unclean birds like Shimon Peres and dangerous UNJews, the few faithful Jews must do all they can to withstand Jerusalem’s betrayal and rape.
Better late than never, Rush Limbaugh.
Shame on the Conservative Cowards!
If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.- Martin Luther
Obama May Delay Report on Closing Guantanamo Until Congress Is Out of Session to Avoid Publicity and Scrutiny, Hoekstra Warns ( – The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee warned that the Obama administration is postponing a meeting with the committee as well as the release of its six-month report on clsoing Guantanamo Bay prison camp until August, when people will not be paying close attention to the issue. "I hope these rumors are false, and the administration will give the American people the full transparency on this issue that they deserve,” Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.) said.
Obama/Soetoro/Obama has delayed bringing his long form birth certificate to light, keeping America in the dark, and it's past time We The People scrutinize this apparent fraud and foreigner and demand justice!
Hillary Clinton’s Troubling Transformation on Israel:
Who Is This Woman?
By Susan L. Rosenbluth, The Jewish Voice and Opinion, Englewood, NJ
July 2009
Zionist Organization of America president Mort Klein has difficulty remembering that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the same woman who, as New York’s junior US senator, was a vocal supporter of Israel and an enthusiastic adherent of the principle that an undivided Jerusalem would remain the capital of the Jewish state.An Undivided Jerusalem
For example, in September 2007, she issued a position paper in which she wrote that "Israel’s right to exist in safety as a Jewish state, with defensible borders and an undivided Jerusalem as its capital, must never be questioned."Incitement
Mr. Klein recalled that, as senator, Mrs. Clinton repeatedly warned of the monumental dangers inherent in Palestinian incitement to hatred and murder of Jews. She noted that the brazen, open calls for violence that could be heard in PA-controlled schools, media, and mosques would have "dire consequences for peace for generations to come."Harsh Language
"The woman who, as senator, supported Israel’s plan to retain major population centers in Judea and Samaria in any final peace deal with the Palestinians, now, as secretary of state, has adopted the Obama administration’s harsh language towards the only reliable democratic US ally in the Middle East," said Mr. Klein.Iran
Before the recent elections in Iran were held, followed by the street demonstrations by young Iranians desperate for freedom, Mrs. Clinton stated publicly that the Obama administration intended to condition at least some of its efforts to prevent the Islamic Republic from becoming a nuclear power on Israel’s willingness to bow to pressure and make concessions.Illegal Construction
Almost as soon as she was sworn into her current position, Mrs. Clinton began demanding that Israel allow illegally-built Palestinian homes in eastern Jerusalem to remain unmolested, but, at the same time, she insisted that legal building by Israeli Jews in eastern Jerusalem be prohibited.Boasting about Shalit
Not only has the PA not fulfilled these obligations, there is evidence that the incitement may be getting worse. Last month, PATV featured a program in which a teacher from Fatah (the Palestinian faction to which PA President Mahmoud Abbas belong) competes with Hamas students to see which group has engaged in more brutal terrorism against Israelis.Suddenly Quiet
Mr. Klein pointed out that, as secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton has said nothing about PA incitement to hatred and murder. When she was asked recently by Palestinian teenagers on a PATV program what she would do if her daughter "was unfortunate enough to have been born under occupation, born deprived of freedom and liberty," she responded that she would give her child "the best education I could for her" and "would never give up on the dream of a Palestinian state."Who Is She?
Mr. Klein said he, like Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind, "liked Mrs. Clinton a lot more when she was senator from New York."Times-Dispatch editorial expresses regret for Massive Resistance
What are you apologizing for? The evidence is overwhelming that all those who forced desegregation upon our nation should be ashamed of themselves for the destruction, the dumbing down of America, the crime, the violence, the folly and confusion of interracial dating/marriage, etc. Segregation is biblical, whether or not it's politically correct. There goes the neighborhoods, the schools, the nation. Just look at raped Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ruins), besieged South Africa or Detroit.
White schools parasitized
Suburban schools targeted for minority hires
Suburban schools rule!
Zimbabwe ruins proves Ian Smith was right
Why Rhodesia is in Ruins
A Warning for America from South Africa
Articles By Mark S. McGrew
Articles on Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama
Obama Has NOT Been Elected President - Pravda
Barack, The Amazing Mr. Obama - Pravda
Obama Conspiracy Theory Nuts - Pravda
The Mysterious Shadow Code Name Obama - Pravda
Obama’s Hope For The World - Pravda
Obama Deceiver, Cheat, Swindler, Liar, Fraudster, Con Artist - Pravda
Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama vs World Leaders - Pravda
Obama the only US president to be sued (part I) - Pravda