Sunday, April 01, 2007

Suburban schools targeted for minority hiring

Under the cloak and dagger of "diversity," Selma Rankins now prowls the suburbs of Ohio and Michigan to pressure them to hire black teachers. That's the bottom line of his spiel. Rankins is a retired teacher, originally from Louisiana.

How clever. How evil. Shine the spotlight on how white the suburbs are (hasn't he ever heard of white flight or understood the legitimate reasons why?), how few if any black teachers they have, and initially gently demand a change, soft sell the package it's in the "best interests" of the students. The biased Blade article - Suburban schools fall short on diversity - included a chart to show the percentages of White, Black, Hispanic and Other students and the same for their teachers. The prejudicial title above it was: "Racial Diversity in Teaching Staffs Lacking in Most Area Public Schools."

Lacking? Falls short? It doesn't appear those schools needed any minority teachers to succeed. It appears they've gotten along quite well all these years without the forced inclusion of minority teachers. Why would any intelligent person want to force themselves on a school district anyway? History proves how such "suggestions" for unwanted and unnecessary change (however camouflaged) quickly become demands coupled with charges of "racism."

What white school district has the integrity to stand up to such an assault on their right to make their own decisions, to preserve their white heritage, their right for whites to stay in the majority without outside interference demanding otherwise and to courageously reject destructive criticism of them for their educated choices? How many times have we heard blacks say they need black teachers for black students? Who isn't aware that black policemen are purposely sent to patrol black areas? What's wrong with whites for whites? Why the double standard?

The sin of forced desegregation grows with affirmative action hires that don't benefit the students or community but tears both down, as has been proven time and again. Oprah chose to wash her hands of the inner-city schools and went to South Africa to find blacks willing to stay in school and learn rather than disrupt the classroom, drop out of school, or care more about grades than gangs or sneakers.

White flight is to get away from the troubles of the city, to protect children from lowered standards and a harmful environment, knowing full well the threat that "diversity" poses. The suburbs should be left in peace, their unique schools respected for their right to be diverse as predominantly white rather than attacked for refusing to conform to the politically correct agenda some pimp.

A Warning For America From South Africa

Black Racists Slaughter Whites in South Africa - Where's the Outrage?

Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!

Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return!

Martin Luther King Day?

Race Matters

Black Mark on Toledo

Black to Africa (Facing the Crisis in Black America)


White Schools Make the Grade (thanks to parents)

Considering the recent test scores around Toledo, Ohio that proved the predominantly white schools fared best, thanks to parents who care, let all remember the recent subversive attempt to tear down such schools and shudder.

Let this be a lesson for those schools with excellent scores to slam the door in the face of anybody who would mess with such success and not give them the time of day!

Suburban schools targeted for minority hires