12 states oppose North American Union
Eagle Forum working with legislators to halt globalists' plans
Posted: March 9, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com
A dozen states are working on resolutions that would oppose not only the implementation but the idea of a "North American Union," or other plans that would lead to the integration of the United States into a larger structure.
"Americans are rapidly learning the new vocabulary of the globalists," Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum told WND, "and they don't like it."
While President Bush, many members of Congress and Bush administration officials deny there are plans for a North American Union under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, some state legislatures are taking no chances.
Already, 12 states have introduced resolutions to oppose the SPP, the NAU and even the idea of the amero, a proposed currency that could be used to replace the dollar.
The resolutions also typically oppose the creation of North American Free Trade Act superhighways along the model of the Trans-Texas Corridor, the car-truck-train-pipeline corridor four football-fields wide being built parallel to Interstate 35 from Laredo, Texas, to the border with Oklahoma, south of Oklahoma City.
Schlafly told WND lawmakers, and their constituents, are reacting against a wide range of concepts and structures generated by the increasing pace of the integration of North America they see under the Bush administration.
"That's why state legislators are responding with resolutions criticizing a 'North American Community,' SPP, 'harmonization' of regulations, NAFTA superhighways, foreign-owned toll roads, totalization of Social Security and speculation about the amero," Schlafly explained. "The groundswell is growing against measures that lead to 'economic integration' with other countries."
Schlafly also has joined with Howard Philips of the Conservative Caucus to create an organization specifically opposing the NAU and NAFTA superhighways.
"Phyllis Schlafly is doing a magnificent job leading the charge to oppose the North American integration at the state level," Phillips told WND. "Once again, we see the genius of Eagle Forum being able to communicate a message throughout America in terms that mobilize voters to take action."
Robert Pastor is an American University professor who is using his book, "Toward a North American Community," to promote a regional government and adoption of the amero as a common monetary currency to replace the dollar and the peso.
The resolutions are typically worded to oppose, in addition to SPP and the NAU, the construction of NAFTA Superhighways and the creation of the Amero as a North American unitary currency.
Anti-NAU resolutions have been introduced in the following state legislatures:
Arizona: Senate Concurrent Memorial 1002 Click to check bill status.
Georgia: Senate Resolution 124
Illinois: House Joint Resolution 29 Click to check bill status.
Missouri: Senate Concurrent Resolution 15 House Concurrent Resolution 33
Montana: House Joint Resolution 25
Oregon: Senate Joint Memorial 5
South Carolina: House Concurrent Resolution 3185 You also can find the bill here under "H 3185"
South Dakota: Senate Concurrent Resolution 7 Click to check bill status
Tennessee: Senate Joint Resolution 88
Utah: House Joint Resolution 7 Click to check bill status.
Virginia: Senate Joint Resolution 442
Washington: Senate Joint Memorial 8004 House Joint Memorial 4018
StopTheNAU tracks state legislative motions to oppose the SPP and NAU.
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