Sunday, March 18, 2007

DeProgram Program by Shai ben Tekoa

DeProgram Program

Five times a week, Sundays through Thursdays, Sha'i posts on his site a webcast around forty-minutes long, half of it given over to the most beautiful, contemporary, Israeli-Jewish kosher music; the other half being hard analysis and stinging commentary on the passing scene that day, as seen from inside the heart of the heart of the Land of Israel a/k/a Judea, whence cometh the very word "Jew."

Sha'i ben-Tekoa's articles on the Middle East, Arab terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism and the divine Arab-Israeli conflict have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, National Review, on PBS's "The Newshour with Jim Lehrer," in Midstream, Congress Monthly and other publications. Formerly, he was the lead commentator on Arutz 7's English service.

Sha'i ben-Tekoa is host of the popular Israel based radio show DeProgram Program.

The International Sephardic Leadership Council recommends Sha'i ben-Tekoa and
the DeProgram Program. The daily DeProgram Program is one of the best places for news
and information on the situation in Israel, as well as for the latest on world events.