Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Baruch Marzel for Israeli Prime Minister!

Following the Israeli response to the callous release of the six Arab terrorists who murdered Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze’evi, the founder of Moledet (Homeland), by Israel's "peace partners" (how many wake up calls does the world need?), some Gentilized Jews condemned Israel's reaction, others praised it, but, Baruch HaShem (Blessed be the Name), Baruch Marzel served as a lone voice of biblical reason in the political wilderness of Gentilized Israel. Every Israeli and Jewish leader should have been united in support of his statement without exception. May HaShem soon restore to Israel and Judah such leaders who are as bold as lions and wise as Solomon.

Politicians’ Reactions Mixed on Jericho Operation
15:49 Mar 15, '06 / 15 Adar 5766
By Hana Levi Julian

Most politicians praised Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz Tuesday night for the successful raid to capture the six terrorists who murdered Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze’evi. Some didn't...

...And one politician said the operation simply didn’t go far enough.

“They should have bombed the prison and not risked soldiers’ lives with this operation,” said National Jewish Front leader Baruch Marzel. “Better to have a thousand dead foes than one dead soldier,” he said.

May God bless Baruch Marzel to become prime minister! May the people support such strong biblical leadership.