Saturday, March 11, 2006

Israel, Purim and Persia (Iran)


copyright (c) 2006 by Mr. Samson Krupnick

LIBERATED YERUSHALIYIM, D.C. (David's Capital), Liberated Israelite Tribal Territories of Yehudah and Binyamin, Kingdom of David and Shlomo, United Israelite Kingdom of Yehudah and Yosef, Yom Shlishi, 7 Adar, 5766, Root & Branch Information Services [] []:

We have been taught that Jews should be in a happy mood at all times. Every month has some happy occasion, with the exception of the month of Heshvan. This month follows the joyous month of Tishrei, with many happy occasions. Nevertheless, Heshvan is designated "Mar Heshvan" (Bitter Heshvan).

When we come to the month of Adar, we are advised "marbin b'simcha" (we multiply happy occasions). Mainly, we have the feast of Purim wherein we have many occasions for the celebration of miracles. On Purim it is related in Megillath Esther (Scroll of Esther) that Jews were condemned for destruction by enemies led by Haman and endorsed by King Ahasuerus in the 127 countries of his Persian kingdom.

Miraculously, as related in Megillath Esther, and thanks to Esther and Mordechai, they were permitted [R&B Editor: What a "privilege", we have to be "permitted" (!) to defend ourselves] on the 13th of Adar to defend themselves against their many enemies. The Jews killed 75,000 in the provinces and in the capital SHUSHAN 800 enemies.

In ISRAEL, Purim is observed on the 14th day of Adar and in JERUSALEM and in cities that had a wall a the time of Joshua, on the 15th day of Adar. It is of interest that Jews defended themselves and did not rely on a miracle because the king’s order was not cancelled. This should be a lesson to us in all generations that when Amalek, Haman, Hitler and the present day Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to remove us from the map, we must destroy them at once.

There are many Jew - and Israel - haters throughout the Arab and Muslim States and many European countries. Most of our enemies are also the enemies of the UNITED STATES as well. President George W. Bush is engaged in a difficult task of bringing democracy into Iraq [R&B Editor: and pumping out of IRAQ]. It is particularly difficult as Muslims murder each other to the point where Sunni Muslims [R&B Editor: allegedly] burned a sacred and historic Shi'ite Mosque. Daily murders are reported in Iraq.

Pseudo-Shi'ite IRAN furnishes funds and "insurgents" to the struggle, assisted by Alawite SYRIA and Wahhabi "SAUDI" ARABIA. [R&B Editor: former C.I.A. agent] Osama bin Laden and "Saudi" Arabian petro-dollar profit financed Wahhabi Al-Qaeda continue their global mass murder activities. UNITED STATES President Bush, in a stop in Sunni Muslim AFGHANISTAN [R&B Editor: where the Pathan tribal majority are probably descended from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel] stated, "We will capture bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda and they will be called to justice".

IRAN all along has been shipping arms to SYRIA and to "Saudi" Arabian petro-dollar profit financed Wahhabi Hamas. IRAN's mad dash to the production of nuclear arms is a real danger to the entire world. RUSSIA is [R&B Editor: supposedly] attempting to takeover control of uranium enrichment for IRAN to avoid its use for bombs. IRAN insists on its right to proceed subject to "inspection by I.A.E.A. and by those international inspections that are lawful".

The UNITED STATES and ISRAEL urged action by the Security Council to block IRAN. Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, addressing a high school audience, was asked, "What could we do in case they threatened us?" Mofaz replied,"ISRAEL would defend itself. In 1981, I.A.F. fighter jets destroyed IRAQ's Osirak nuclear reactor near BAGHDAD".

Fifteen years ago, in early 1991, during the UNITED STATES invasion of IRAQ, IRAQ shot 39 Scud rockets at us which caused much damage but not a single death. The war stopped on Purim. AMERICA's Patriot anti-missiles were ineffective in stopping incoming Scuds. Today, we have the improved Arrow anti-missile system that can now [R&B Editor: supposedly] intercept any missiles, including the Iranian latest Shihab-3. The Arrow could destroy even a nuclear missile at so high a level that it would disintegrate. Truly this is a strange turn of history.

IRAN is PERSIA. We had Esther as a Queen and Mordechai as a Prime Minister of the PERSIAN EMPIRE. In fact, Persian Emperor Cyrus helped rebuild the Second Temple in 516 B.C.E. Nehemiah brought troops from PERSIA to protect the builders.
Now another Haman wants to destroy us.

We will defend ourselves now as our forefathers defended themselves then. Our basic problem now is how to deal with "Saudi" Arabian petro-dollar profit financed Wahhabi Hamas control of the Palestine Legislative Council. Hamas and the P.L.O. constitutions call for the destruction of ISRAEL. This commitment was never changed.

It therefore should not have been any surprise to the "Quartet" of EUROPEAN UNION, RUSSIA, UNITED NATIONS and UNITED STATES that "Saudi" Arabian petro-dollar profit financed Wahhabi Hamas received a 61% majority. The Chairman of the Palestine Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, at this time remains as Chairman, apparently until after Israeli elections, scheduled for Tuesday, March 28 [R&B Editor: There will be no elections on March 28].

Negotiations with "Saudi" Arabian petro-dollar profit financed Wahhabi Hamas are not in order. Hamas does not recognize us, other than recognizing us as targets for extermination or conversion to the Wahhabi religion. They are continuing with mass murder and we are dealing with mass murderers, arresting some and killing others.

IRAN has pledged a gift of $250 million to "Saudi" Arabian petro-dollar profit financed Wahhabi Hamas, and military assistance. There is no one with whom to negotiate, not with Hamas and certainly not with lame duck Munich Massacre Murder Master Mahmoud Abbas. Mass murder continues with non-stop murders and Kassam rockets. Mass murder in IRAQ also continues. When will it stop?

Our dear friend, Sheikh Professor Abdul Hadi Palazzi, Secretary General of the Italian Muslim Assembly and [] and Muslim Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of the Islam-Israel Fellowship of the Root& Branch Association, Ltd. []
at a number of Conferences, including as a scheduled speaker [] at the recent February 17-20, 2006 Washington D.C. Intelligence Summit (Intelligence Summit President John Loftus, Esq., also serves as General Legal Co-Counsel of the Root & Branch Association, Ltd.], has made a careful analysis of the basic support of global mass murder.

Sheikh Palazzi dismisses the contribution to global mass murder of countries such as SUDAN, IRAN and AFGHANISTAN as "insignificant":

Sheikh Palazzi, February, 2000 -- "Countries like SUDAN, IRAN and AFGHANISTAN are easily identified as radical, totalitarian and enemies of the Western world, but their contribution to the international network of pseudo-Islamic fundamentalism is insignificant. On the contrary, the powerful structure of the Muslim Brotherhood is mainly supported by those countries which are regarded as moderate or 'friends of the West': SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT and theARAB EMIRATES".


Sheikh Palazzi, September, 2005 -- " really win the War on Terror it is necessary for the UNITED STATES to invade SAUDI ARABIA, capture King Abdallah and the other 1,500 princes who constitute the House of Sa'ud, to freeze their assets, to remove them from power, and to send them to GUANTANAMO for life imprisonment. Then it is necessary to replace the SAUDI-Wahhabi terror-funding regime with a moderate, non-Wahhabi and pro-West regime, such as a Hashemite Sunni Muslim constitutional monarchy. Unless all this is done, the War on Terror will never be won. It is possible to destroy al-Qa'ida, to capture or execute Bin Laden, al-Zarqawi, al-Zawahiri, etc., but this will not end the War. After some years, SAUDI princes will again start funding many similar terror organizations. The SAUDI regime can only survive by increasing its support for terror".


Indeed this is a critical period for the entire Western world.

Meanwhile, we look to Purim to lift hopes and prayers for all, and to enjoy fully our Festival of Purim.

Shavua Tov [good week] and Purim Sameach [Happy Purim] from Liberated Yerushaliyim [Jerusalem],

Mr. Samson Krupnick []

Street Address:
Rehov Pinsker 22
92228 Jerusalem
Email Address: []

Board Member and Treasurer, Root & Branch Association, Ltd.;
Israel Chairman, Jerusalem Embassy Initiative, Root & Branch Association, Ltd.;
Yakir Yerushaliyim (Jerusalem Prize) Award Winner, 2001;
Board Chairman, Encyclopedia Talmudica;
Former Board Chairman, Shaare Zedek Hospital;
Columnist, National Jewish Post and Opinion