Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Thumbs up from Australia!

From: Deirdre Heitmeyer
To: davidbenariel
Sent: 3/6/06
Subject: greetings

Dear David,
Firstly I wish to thank you for your tireless effort in your postings. I first heard Herbert W. Armstrong many years ago whilst I was travelling in the US. I lost heart after HWA passed away and also lost track. Long story..... However I'm back on track. I think that The Lord did not forget me.

However I read with interest your comments re the Philadelphia Church of God. I wished to begin tithing and thought I would send my money to them as they distribute HWA's material and broadcast warnings re the future.

After reading your postings re the PCOG I ended up sending last months tithes to Raymond McNair and the Church of God-21st Century.
I had thought PCOG worked here in Australia and wanted to promote work here in this country.

I know that you must be busy and I have prayed for an answer as I could never find your email address, then today there it was.
I will pray that you continue to warn the world, and that noone will try and stop you.

Kindest regards,
Deirdre Heitmeyer

Deirdre Heitmeyer
Lecturer, School of Aboriginal Studies
The University of Newcastle

To: Deirdre Heitmeyer
Sent: 3/5/06 11:16:58 PM
Subject: RE: greetings

Thank you so much Deirdre for recognizing and appreciating my postings. That means the world to me and is a God-send. I really do ask God for such encouragement to know all is not in vain and He gives it to me. So THANK YOU. : - )

My many postings are exhausting, God knows! And some of the people are so wicked and hateful, if I dare say, but why should I be surprised? The challenge is to always pray before getting online and hoping to respond as God would have me to with different strokes for different folks. Then there's a glimmer of light, like you, who shines through and makes it all worthwhile.

As for the PCG and the others, I just hope and pray we all love and obey God and be humble as children and eager to learn and walk in the light as it's given, just like our first love and first calling.

I grow frustrated with the ministers because, as far as I'm concerned, unemployed but employed full time on the computer, offering my book for free but also hoping somebody buys it, they have so much money and yet the world doesn't really know anything about us! That's a crying shame! Could you imagine if I suddenly had a fraction of what Flurry has? The world would know our message beyond any shadow of a doubt, and yes, they would hate us and we would get persecuted and they would bring judgment upon themselves. But I do what I can with what I have: a computer, a Bible and a willingness to reach out to the GENERAL PUBLIC -- not just a converted audience or early Sunday morning limited crowd.

Please pray that God bless my efforts on the behalf of His Kingdom, and that I can roar like a lion of God! (Ariel is God's Lion). I'm curious how you first read anything I wrote. Had I contacted you? Sorry, but I contact so many. Or did you hear or see about my postings or articles somewhere?

Thank you so much for writing, and blessed be God you're back on track (I was off track for some years too, but we have a most merciful and loving God),

Your brother,
David Ben-Ariel

Sister Dierdre from the Land Down Under (may God bless me to visit it someday) let me know she first came across my work when she did a google search for Herbert W. Armstrong. That's very good to know. I'm honored to be associated with God's apostle, Herbert W. Armstrong.