Wednesday, March 01, 2006

German Gold Rules Europe

Germany's backdoor deals in the European Parliament are coming under closer scrutiny. However, will it do any good to expose such undemocratic practices, or will Germany simply buy time and buy off whistleblowers or have them removed from office?

The European Observer reports that Germany pulls strings in the European Parliament, starkly reminding all that whoever has the gold rules.

The leader of the liberal group in the European Parliament, British MEP Graham Watson, has accused Germany of making backdoor deals in the chamber, in an interview with Financial Times Europe.

British MEP Graham Watson drew close attention to the fact that the chiefs of both biggest groups – the centre-right and socialist – are German, saying "They are under huge pressure from Berlin to do deals all the time."

"We are seeing a skewing of the whole business of European policy-making. In a sense it undermines the credibility of parliament as the representative voice for Europe's people."