Sunday, March 05, 2006


God is quite capable of healing anybody on the spot if He chooses to in His infinite wisdom. I know when I used to suffer from migraines I begged God to at least let me fall to sleep since I had to work in the morning and IMMEDIATELY the headached was gone! It was 3 a.m.

Several days later, I received a letter from a woman I knew (Minnie Howard) from the Worldwide Church of God (who had moved to the Upper Peninsula from our Toledo, Ohio area). In it she said she woke up the other evening (the night of my migraine) and she remembered me suffering from migraines, prayed for me, looked at the clock - 3 a.m. - and went back to sleep. This is the God honest truth.

I was moved how God gives us "little" reminders, glimpses of His reality, here and there, and how He truly is most aware of every one of us. Why He chooses to answer this and not that, I don't know and wonder why. I just know He does.