Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Daniel Pipes continues to mislead

"Very few Israelis still worry about the unfinished business of getting the Arabs to accept the permanence of the Jewish state."
-- Daniel Pipes

Once you get past some facts (smokescreen) that all who love Israel could agree on, the bottom-line of CFR Daniel Pipes is the pipe dream that the "Palestinians" accept the state of Jews (it's not a Jewish state) and live in peace beside it in "Palestine."

Daniel Pipe continues to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. To continue to mislead folks to hope and trust in Nazi-Muslims to renounce their vows of genocide against the Jews, their phased destruction of the Jewish homeland by any means possible, terrorist or political, is utterly insane and treacherous.

Did the United States wait to win over the Nazis? Or did we beat them into submission (since they demanded it) and then dictate the terms of peace, and enforce such peace through strength, having WON the war?

Yes, Israel avoids victory by refusing to face the harsh reality there's a war going on and if they don't win it, they'll lose it. May Israel wake up from those who would keep them sleepwalking into a CFR trap, drugged on delusions of peace that will never materialize, and decide to win:

Israel must confess Kahane was right (Malachi 4:4).
Kahane was right about such sworn Arab enemies: THEY MUST GO.

Israel must finish the EXCHANGE OF POPULATIONS the Ishmaelites started.

THE ARABS IN ERETZ ISRAEL cannot be trusted. Israel must remove the STRANGER IN THY MIDST.

For Zion's sake,
David Ben-Ariel