20:04 Mar 07, '06 / 7 Adar 5766
By IsraelNationalNews Staff
Tel Aviv Magistrates Court Judge Dalia Mark decided to reject a request from Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres to throw out a slander suit against him. [More power to her! May all of Israel's judges be so brave.]

The suit was filed by David Rutstein [pictured above] who claims that Peres labeled him insane and called for his incarceration in a psychiatric hospital in the wake of Rutstein's efforts to win a reexamination of the circumstances of the murder of Yitzchak Rabin. Rutstein was interviewed on Israel National Radio's Weekend Edition with Tamar Yonah and Malka Fleisher. [click here to listen]
David Rutstein has been at the helm of several websites publicizing documents and videos supporting theories that Yigal Amir did not act alone and that those responsible for Rabin’s murder have never been brought to justice. Rabin murder conspiracy theories have grown in popularity recently, and a noted shift in Israeli public opinion is increasing pressure to question the accuracy of the official account of events surrounding Rabin’s murder. A Dahaf Institute poll commissioned by Israel's largest circulation paper, Yediot Acharonot, last November revealed that no less than 25% of Israelis believe there was a conspiracy to murder Prime Minister Rabin.

David Rutstein campaign to reinvestigate Rabin assassination
Rutstein believes that the parties truly responsible for the murder and the subsequent cover up had to have been very high up in the ranks of Israeli power. He goes so far as to claim that Shimon Peres is responsible for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. In a Labor Party publication, Peres' office labeled the operators of the website ShimonPeres.net "psychos that should be institutionalized," calling for Rutstein to be "silenced and locked away in an asylum." Peres spokesman, Yoram Drori added, “a warrant for the arrest and incarceration in a psychiatric hospital should be issued to those behind the web site."
David Rutstein filed a 250,000 shekel ($50,000) lawsuit against Shimon Peres for slander, saying he was "insulted by this statement," and declaring, “such methods were used by the Bolsheviks to silence their enemies.” Peres demanded, prior to the first hearing on March 3rd, 2006, that Judge Dalia Mark throw Rutstein’s slander case out of court.
At the opening of proceedings Judge Dalia Mark requested that Shimon Peres' attorney withdraw his petition to reject the lawsuit.
Judge Mark told Peres' attorney "This is a very simple slander lawsuit. Whatever the plaintiff (Rutstein) has done after the initial slander is not relevant to this lawsuit. Victims of slander act in different manners, and the plaintiff's reactions do not interest me." Peres' attorneys stated that they planed to appeal Judge Mark’s decision.
Rutstein claims that Peres' response to the slander suit is in line with his behavior of the past ten years. "It is no surprise that Shimon Peres wants to have Judge Dalia Mark dismiss a very simple slander lawsuit. The man who masterminded the cover up of those behind Rabin assassination is relying on another Israeli Judge to let him off the hook," said Rutstein.
"The killers of Yitzhak Rabin are walking around free, that is the fact which a reasonable, normal person concludes when he or she is knowledgeable of the facts surrounding the death of Yitzhak Rabin z"l," Rutstein stated, adding, "I could not sleep for a week when I first saw the evidence in the Yitzhak Rabin murder case. Afterwards, I spoke with numerous politicians and media personal who have said that they know that the true killers of Yitzhak Rabin are free but really don't care. That really bothered me."
"Something like the Rabin murder fraud could not continue in the United States for over 10 years or even 6 months. Because of the new technologies and freedoms that are blossoming around the world, the world is becoming more like the United States. Being knowledgeable of media and history, I am informing you that the Rabin murder fraud physically cannot last much longer in Israel," Rutstein stated.
May Shimon Peres be indicted and institutionalized for his part in the assasination of Yitzhak Rabin: SHIMON PERES TO PRISON!
Let justice be served, for "Zion shall be redeemed with justice" (Isaiah).
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