Saturday, March 04, 2006

Olmert is bad for the Jews!


Without taking a stand as to whom to vote for in the upcoming elections, we, who love and are concerned about Israel, must make sure Olmert does not come to power. A victory for Olmert would be interpreted by him and his Kadima partners in crime, as a mandate from the people to completely destroy the settlement enterprise. He would quickly expel over 150,000 Jews, and create a PLO state in our Biblical heartland. Moreover, as he has stated, heretofore, he will divide Jerusalem, persecute any loyal Jews as he did in Amona, and turn the Jewish State into a bi-national one of all its citizens.

What is urgently needed is an anti-Olmert ambience in the streets. A wavering person who, no doubt, would presently vote for Kadima would change his mind if he sees a street campaign against Olmert. We in the National Camp must create an anti-Olmert mood in the streets. Otherwise, because the biased polls predict an overwhelming vote for Olmert and Kadima, without taking action NOW, we will be wimps and allow Olmert to win. However, where there is a clear anti-Olmert mood, we could very well change the voters mind.

Accordingly, this is what WOMEN IN GREEN have decided to do in the remaining time until the elections. We have printed over 10,000 large and clear bumper stickers saying both in Hebrew and English: "OLMERT IS BAD FOR THE JEWS."

We are spreading those stickers to different people throughout the country who each took upon themselves to go to the nearest corner in their area and hand out such stickers. We shall be handing these stickers to all drivers at many intersections to put the sticker on their car. We need at least two people in various parts of Israel, who will volunteer to distribute these stickers. The more intersections where such stickers are handed out the better.

ON TUESDAY MARCH 7th, 2006, WOMEN IN GREEN will hold a vigil at 10:00am across from the Acting Prime Minister's residence - at PARIS SQUARE, in Jerusalem, handing out [b]"Olmert is bad for the Jews"[/b] Bumper Stickers. JOIN US.

In addition to the vigil, there are two more things you can help us with:

1) GO OUT ON YOUR OWN, OR WITH A FEW FRIENDS to a major intersection in Jerusalem or elsewhere throughout the country. Make sure at least 100 cars will carry such a bumper sticker. Please contact our office and we will arrange to get the bumper stickers to you.

The 10,000 stickers (33X10 cm) cost us 5,300.NIS ($1,150.) We don't have the monies to print more. Anyone who can help us to print at least another 10,000 to 1,000,000 more bumper stickers, please contribute to make this project a huge success. Call our office in Jerusalem, 972-2-624-9887 or send your check to Women In Green, P.O.B. 7352, Jerusalem, 91072, Israel.

Jerusalem, Saturday Night, March 4, 2006 Ruth And Nadia Matar

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380