The Church of God observes the annual festival and memorial every Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, filled with meaning and purpose and revelation of Yeshua's precious sacrifice as our pure Passover Lamb - not our pagan and unclean Easter bunny!
Paul, a Christian and a converted Pharisee, would never approve of the adoption of any pagan holiday, a whitewashed hollow day, to pollute the Name of our Lord and Savior who abhors such abominations.
When Paul spoke of one regarding this or that day, he was not referring to religious days but to FAST DAYS, when read in context. Only God can determine whether or not a day is holy and He has revealed HIS seven biblical festivals that portray HIS plan of salvation for all mankind.
Daniel warned of a Church power that would play God and think "to change the times and the seasons" and promote their idolatrous traditions and manmade holidays over the biblical Sabbath and biblical festivals God has ordained. We're to reject such replacement theology of Roman wolves in sheep's clothing. The Church of God keeps and celebrates the same festivals as Yeshua properly observed, as well as the early Church who followed His holy example, in spirit and in truth, as brought out in Holidays or Holy Days?

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