Monday, March 13, 2006

Hamas victory wake-up call!

The Price of Ignoring Palestinians' Needs
by Natan Sharansky
Mar 09, '06 / 9 Adar 5766

...I hope that the policy of promoting democracy in the Middle East has not been dealt a fatal blow. Like so many tens of millions of Arabs in the region, there are countless Palestinians who want a better future, and we must seek every way to work with them. If we do not, we will end up not only betraying them once again, but also endangering ourselves.

Natan Sharansky fails to face reality that the Arabs don't want democracies, they're comfortable with their dictators and when presented with an option, vote them into power and clearly choose terrorists over Western ideals.

Natan Sharansky's statement betrays common sense and endangers Western security by promoting pipe dreams that can only blow up as our worst nightmare. That's the price for ignoring harsh reality for pretty platitudes and wishful thinking.

Natan Sharansky just doesn't get it or he's playing stupid at Israel's expense. As Levi Chazen wrote: "How clearer a signal could Hashem have sent us than the Hamas landslide victory? Now it is clear for all to see that there are no innocent bystanders among the Arabs living here in Israel. Clearly, the great majority of them want to see Israel destroyed, as was made clear by them in their elections. It is high time for Israel to act accordingly and stop playing around, claiming that there are innocents in the area and moderates to work with."

That's the plain truth to all but the willfully deaf, dumb and blind "leaders" we're cursed with for now.