Ehud Olmert, acting prime minister of Israel (whom I met briefly in 1995 at the grand opening of the Eucalyptus Restaurant in Jerusalem when he was mayor), is running in the Israeli elections of the treacherous platform to Auschwitz borders: the corrupt Kadima party, rotten to the core. Will the Kadima train to Auschwitz borders of self-destruction and death be stopped? Don't get on the Kadima train because there's no turning back!
Ehud Olmert was out for Jewish blood in Amona to perversely raise his election standing among the secular swine (the worst of the secular who love to hate the Jews of faith). Ehud Olmert is out for Jewish blood and Aushwitz borders! May Israel throw him out of political office and into prison for such a hateful and murderous campaign!
Aliza Karp shares how historically some have sought personal gain at Jewish expense, how massive amounts of Jewish blood paid the high price for such insatiable greed, and accurately applies the principle to what horrors we see unfolding in Israel today, whether the Judenrein policies enforced upon Gush Katif or the pogrom against Amona. Aliza Karp exposes how the leftist slogans have merely changed but the murderous hatred of the Left remains a clear and present danger.
May all beware and act accordingly, and return to God Most High to avenge such blood and save the nation from such traitors or Jerusalem will soon suffer under a German-Jesuit occupation that will show no mercy to either the religious or the secular, men or women, child or babe, ugly or beautiful, Arab or Jew (Daniel 9:11, 2 Chronicles 7:14).
David Ben-Ariel
By Aliza Karp
In his book Perfidy, while retelling the trial of Dr. Rudolf Kastner in 1955, Ben Hecht records the testimony of Joel Brand, who was given a strange and rare opportunity to save literally millions of Hungarian Jews from the ovens of the Holocaust. Amongst the tragedies that this testimony reveals, is the devastating effect that can result from the marginalization of upright individuals who do not submit to foul policies of a given establishment.
The calamity at Amona could only be carried out after the general public in Eretz Yisroel, and in America, have been convinced, to the point of being brainwashed, of the unlawfulness of the "extreme-right-fanatical-fringe-element" know as settlers.
In Perfidy, the establishment being discussed is the Jewish Agency of that time. Hecht explains that the British government founded the Jewish Agency and he refers to them as "A Jewish front for British policy in Palestine." [1]
Brand's story takes place in 1944. He has been given a proposal to save millions of Jews and must garner international support. Brand turns to the Jewish Agency. The Jewish Agency insists he travel to Aleppo, but Brand knows this is British soil and he risks arrest.
A Jewish Agency representative, Ehud Avriel, is assigned to Brand, to convince him that everything has been arranged for his safety in Aleppo, where in fact everything was arranged … for his arrest and detention by the British.
This tragic story holds a timely lesson.
I quote from Perfidy, "Aleppo-bound Joel Brand sits in his compartment with his friend Avriel, who smiles and chats like a parent calming a troubled child.
"The train stops in Ankara and fate comes aboard. A young Jabotinsky disciple from Palestine, Joseph Klarman, finds Brand in his compartment and speaks to him. He warns Brand. The British are waiting to arrest him in Aleppo. He begs Brand not to go on.
"Jewish Leader Avriel sneers upon hearing of the intruder. He knows him – one of the toughs from Tel Aviv, a Jabotinsky hothead.
"Unknowing, the million Hungarian Jews, still alive, wait for the outcome of this talk on the train at Ankara. If Joel Brand will believe what this "troublemaker" from Palestine tells him, the million may escape the German ash barrels. What a moment this is, a moment that could change history.
"But it changes nothing. Joel Brand does not believe the "troublemaker." Brand is as Jew trained to believe only in respectability …" [2]
Those whom Hecht refers to as "troublemakers," have now evolved into the "right-wing-extreme-fanatical-fringe-element."
The marginalization and demonization of Jews who defend their right to live in Eretz Yisroel has tremendous power. It is what allowed the brutality at Amona to happen. In fact, it sparked the violence.
The misguided hatred for the right is so deep-rooted that many have said that PM Olmert's orders for Amona stemmed from his desire to gain popularity by proving he is unyielding towards the "right-wing-extreme-fanatical-fringe-element." Sadly enough, his followers derive satisfaction from the sight of Jewish blood.
Speaking on Purim of 5747 – 1987 the Lubavitcher Rebbe said, "G-d does everything for the good; what could be positive in this development of extremes, when there are also extremely negative results? The reason is that when evil remains concealed, it cannot be repaired. In fact, the person might even be unaware of its existence. Once this evil is revealed, however, it becomes possible to improve and elevate it." [3]
Joel Brand was facing an evil that was concealed. When Brand tried to tell his story, his listeners "sighed, and turned away. There were too many Jews in Palestine babbling a little madly about what happened in Europe. About Germans... The incinerator smoke that hung in the sky all day and all night. Better to forget those things. Better, also, not to think wrong things about Palestine's great Jews. What other Jews were there for the world to admire?" [4]
In contrast to Brand's frustration to convey his experience, the attack on Amona has been widely publicized through pictures and videos. Breaking through the layers of conditioning that the unprotected settlers deserved to be beaten will not be easy, but an effort has to be made to convince people that what happened at Amona is in fact evil.
In order to do this the right wing camp has to be careful not to reinforce the stigma placed upon it by submitting to it. Right wingers are afraid to be labeled extremists. Self-incrimination by the right led to many reports marginalizing the rock throwing by protesters at Amona. The right should not be on defensive. They are the victims, not the aggressors! Even when rocks are being thrown… and let us not judge the rock throwers until we know the facts. If boys were throwing rocks on police who were abusing the girls, morality rests on the side of the defenders.
Either way, a few rocks do not justify trampling and savagely beating hundreds of unprotected, unarmed protestors. It justifies arresting the perpetrators, that's it! But very few arrests were made, and very few vehicles were on location to take away arrestees. Clearly the intent of the police campaign was not to enforce the law requiring building permits. To find the intent, we can look at the outcome. Immediately following the Amona invasion, PM Olmert made a statement about the violent settlers. He staged the event, including the flow of blood, in order to make that statement. To once again besmirch the settlers and thereby control the blindfolded public.
To disassociate with "right-wing-extreme-fanatical-fringe-element" reinforces the deadly tactic that has been in place since 1944. Fearing the title strengthens the enemy. Denying its power strengthens the righteous.
This is clear from Jewish history. The right wing in Eretz Yisroel is in the position of being the Jew of the Jews (meaning the Jew of the Israelis). When Jews attempt to deny their true identity and present themselves as cosmopolitan, moderate, even handed, and open-minded, they are eventually mistreated.
When a Jew stands proud, he is respected. Mordechai HaTzadik – the "right-wing-extreme-fanatical-fringe-element" of his time – would not bow down. When Mordechai is first introduced in the story of Purim he is referred to as 'Eish Yemini.' Although this is generally translated as a man from the tribe of Benjamin, the literal meaning is man of the right. The commentary Tiferes Shlomo explains that to mean that Mordechai never swerved to the left. [5]
The process of unraveling the demonization of settlers and their supporters is slow. But it should be pursued. Silence is a stamp of approval. I will turn to Perfidy again for a suitable quote to make my point, "It is always a losing battle, this trying to out-shout the authority. Those who have been in one are left with the conviction that it is easier to waken the dead than the living. But what a hopeless world it would be without this record of lost battles." [6] Letters to media and faxes to authorities, rallies and meetings may not change anything over night, but they can erase the stamp of approval of silence. When Jewish blood becomes cheap, silence is not an option.
[1] Perfidy by Ben Hecht, Gefen Publishing House, 1999, page 234
[2] Ibid, page 239-240
[3] Sichos in English, Volume 35, page 8
[4] Perfidy, page 226
[5] The Megillah, Published by Mesorah Publications, page 55
[6] Perfidy, page 190
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Kadima train to Auschwitz borders: Don't get on board!
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