Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Was Jesus Political?

Yes, Jesus was "political" but He wasn't a subversive as charged. Everything religious has political ramifications, and everything religious has political ramifications.

The government in Jesus' day was that of the pagan Roman Gentiles, whom the jealous religious leaders appealed to - out for Jesus' blood - on the grounds that Yeshua was a subversive, committing treason by calling Himself KING instead of paying homage to Caesar as the only king Judah was under. Interesting God then permitted their Roman king to crush them, to destroy the Temple and Jerusalem and end their bloody positions and corrupt careers they were trying to hold on to at all costs - including the precious life of the Passover Lamb and Judah's religious freedom.

Consider these biblical principles for today:

When Caesar Plays God: When the State Oversteps Its Bounds

Should Christians Judge?

God's One Government Has Two Branches!

Onward Christian Soldiers!

Separation of Church and State? Says Who?