Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Illegal Aliens Have 'Chutzpah'

Illegal Aliens Have 'Chutzpah'
by Allan Wall

They've been marching in the streets of our cities clamoring for "justice."

Throughout the land, they march - Denver, Sacramento, Chicago, Charlotte, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Phoenix and so on.

Their cause - fighting for the "rights" of illegal aliens and keeping our borders open.

The biggest march of all was March 25th in Los Angeles, Calif., where police estimated the multitude's numbers at 500,000: Half a million people.

That's impressive. Should we therefore give these people everything they want? Many of our politicians seem to think so.

The U.S. Constitution, however, doesn't include street protest as a form of legislation. In fact, the men who drafted our constitution were not fond of what they called "mobocracy." As James Madison put it in Federalist Paper #55, "Had every Athenian citizen been a Socrates, every Athenian assembly would still have been a mob."

Many of the demonstrators are illegal aliens themselves. In other words, they don't even have the right to be in the country, yet they're telling us how to run things. That's chutzpah.

Their defenders assure us that illegal aliens are "living in the shadows."

It doesn't look to me like the people in the L.A. street march were living in the shadows. They were out in broad daylight, marching openly, without fear, dictating to us what our immigration law should be.

Some of them carried signs that read, "If you think I'm ‘illegal' because I'm a Mexican learn the true history because I'm in my homeland."

Indeed, Mexican nationalism, ethnic chauvinism and downright racism were in evidence among L.A. protestors.

Why did so many display the Mexican flag if they are fighting for rights in the United States?

There were protestors with posters reading "Chicano Power" and "This is stolen land." Another poster bore the likeness of Mexican historical figure Emiliano Zapata with the slogan, "Viva Mexico."

Here in Mexico, where I (legally) reside, the L.A. march was called a "Megamarcha" and was warmly reported in the media.

But don't think for a second that Mexico would allow the same sort of nonsense to occur here. Mexico respects her sovereignty too much for that. Even we legal gringos are not allowed to participate in protest marches. In 2002, a number of Americans were immediately expelled for doing just that.

The Mexican Constitution's famous Article 33 gives the Mexican government the right to expel immediately, without right of appeal, any non-Mexican whose presence in the country is "deemed inconvenient."

But when illegal alien Mexicans march in the United States, that's considered a great thing.

In solidarity, a group of demonstrators (some carrying communist party banners) erected a cardboard wall in front of the U.S. Embassy, inscribing it with anti-American slogans.

In the Mexican Congress, it was announced that a document would be drafted, to show support for the protest marches in our country.

Ruben Aguilar, spokesman for President Vicente Fox, made this statement to support the marches: "The recent protests carried out in different places in the United States are indicative of the imminent necessity of a migratory accord that corresponds to the interests of both countries, and that especially to the defense of the rights of migrants. The government of the (Mexican) Republic ratifies its commitment to the Mexicans who live in the United States and its intention to work in the defense of their rights ..."

None of this is surprising. The L.A. protestors and the Mexican government share the same goals: legalize Mexican illegal aliens and keep the borders open.

The Mexican government sees it as a way to relieve economic pressure on the government to reform the economy. Mexico's leaders also work to retain the loyalty of emigrants so that, even if they become American citizens, they retain their loyalty to Mexico. And their plan is working.

Recently the Mexican government published advertisements in leading American newspapers calling for the legalization of illegal immigrants (in the United States, not in Mexico) and "a far-reaching guest workers scheme." Not only that, said the ads, but "in order for a (U.S.) guest workers program to be viable, Mexico should participate in its design, management, supervision and evaluation."

In other words, the Mexican government wants veto power over U.S. immigration policy.

And they might just get it.

After all, many in our own government are only too happy to oblige them.

Allan Wall ( recently returned from a tour of duty in Iraq, and currently resides (legally) in Mexico.