Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Jews unworthy of Israel?

Only the willfully ignorant would offer the lame excuse that "sometimes" the Homeland is "in the heart" when the JEWISH HOMELAND IS ON THE MAP today - it's called ISRAEL - unlike before the restoration of the Jewish homeland.

There's no excuse for remaining in exile when Jews can end it - IF such love of God and Torah were truly in their heart, but it's apparent it's far from too many Gentilized Jewish hearts and assimilated minds since too many Jews shamefully choose exile over redemption. The world is watching, knowing Jews should follow Judaism to Israel, and yet too many despise it and stubbornly refuse to move. Jewish self-justification will lead to Jewish self-destruction.

No wonder God will soon strip Israel of its sovereignty since the present conduct of Jews and Israelis prove they're unworthy of it: Paint Israel Black: Jews to Lose Jerusalem!