The Washington Times reports that Israeli Kadima party leader, Ehud Olmert reached out to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, president of Israel's sworn enemies, not to fellow Jews, and exposed what a serious lack of faith and grave sickness of soul those who voted for him reflect:
"During thousands of years, we planted the dream of greater Israel in our hearts ... but in recognition of the reality, we are ready to compromise, and concede parts of the beloved land of Israel," Mr. Olmert said, "and evacuate with much sadness Jews living there to create the conditions that will allow you to achieve your dreams and build alongside us a state of your own."
Ehud Olmert fails to recognize or believe that God - yes, there really is a great extraterrestial, supernatural Being of Higher Intelligence - "planted the dream of greater Israel" in the hearts of Jews and Israelites, not "we" - secular swine and humanist dogs. Ehud Olmert and his cabal of Kadima, his party of political prostitutes and criminal company, are like the accursed 10 spies who feared to enter the Promised Land of Israel.
The Zohar teaches that the Spies, who were the princes, the leaders of Israel, were worried about maintaining their honor and prestige, even at the expense of the nation. They feared that upon entering the Land, new leaders would be chosen, and they would lose their positions of authority. (Just like the religious leaders in Jesus' day didn't want to follow His lead into Israel's future, feeling safe and secure in their comfortable positions they didn't want threatened, that were nevertheless soon swept away by the very powers they colloborated with against Heaven).
The Kadima of fools is a bought and paid for political party serving foreign interests, alien powers out to dismantle the Jewish homeland and destroy Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem. Ehud Olmert, and the spy ringmaster, the prince Shimon Peres (the vulture who came to power over Yitzhak Rabin and Ariel Sharon's dead bodies) will get used and abused by their EU masters, and their faces rubbed into the dirt of the Holy Land they've despised when the German-Jesuit jackboot stomps Israel. They will not escape the treacherous torrent they've unleashed, but will get swept away by the flood of foreign troops soon to sweep the Middle East, when the "peacekeeping" levee they build around Jerusalem gives way and brutally betrays those who fell for their lies of peace and security.
Even as the terrorist Hamas organization's election victory proved the will of the "Palestinian" people, proved that despite all the "Land for Peace" negotiations and unilateral "concessions" (seeking to appease the Nazi-Muslim beast), the Arab leopard still has its spots and remains intent on Israel's destruction by any means necessary, so the miserable election of Kadima reflects the rampant sin and corruption in Israeli society, a people who are in the Holy Land but remain in deep personal exile, removed in mind and heart and spirit from biblical ideals and prove themselves unworthy to remain in the land.
The Israelis, reflective of world Jewry, refuse to live holy lives in the Holy Land, preferring to be Israelis alone rather than Jews first and foremost, and thereby they despise the Land Covenant, the land contract, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob made with our forefathers.
Since the Israelis don't want to be faithful Jews, willfully ignorant and woefully indifferent to our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities, it's only just that they will soon be uprooted and sent back into exile, detached from the Land they didn't sufficiently love, having taking it for granted and turned their backs as dismembered parts were thrown to Arab wolves. The religious are guilty before God also for enabling all this to happen, especially the continued Nazi-Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount.
Ehud Olmert, instead of leading the nation by example of heartfelt repentance (2 Chronicles 7:14), making null and void the lying "peace process," continues to babble on about following the failed appeasement policy, even insanely reassuring Israel's sworn enemies of further suicidal "concessions," when he should be warning them that Israel will have a zero tolerance for terrorism (whether in word or deed), and that the treacherous Arab occupation of the Jewish homeland will soon be history.
However, it appears that Israel and Judah will require the Messiah to do for us what we refuse to do for ourselves (with Heaven's help), and will suffer horribly for it. The Holocaust will pale into insignificance compared to what's coming. We won't be able to say we weren't warned.
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